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This is why I don't play Western games

Black this black that, how about make some good fucking games for once, America?
t. latino that hates whites and niggers

American culture is centered around

Literally who?

So this?

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honest question, isn't this offputting as shit? I know black dudes in my office and they're just dudes. I could not imagine one of them being happy being in a 'Company Name Black Man Squad' or some stupid faggot pandering shit like that.
They just want to get shit done and go home like me. The only work-related activity they like is fantasy football office pool when the season comes around.

Why is he capitalizing black every time?

and they're not happy.

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same way christians capitalise God, americans worship Niggers

Also lol

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>acknowledge contributions of niggers in us history
So literally absolutely nothing.

his point about the Vrykul show he's 100000 times more talented than anyone at Blizz
but the lore is so irredeemably fucked it doesn't matter.

Peanut butter. But yeah, other than that a total net negative. Fuck our forefathers for not picking their own cotton.

the majority of black people don't even know this is going on. this isn't for them, its for the bluehairs

>I want white people eradicated

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fuck off baal


Pretty much, instead of writing down a bunch of pretend non-sense. Just write down "Kill Whitey" with some BLM symbols to sum it up.

Sir this is a video game company

Can Americans stop sucking black cocks for one day?
It's embarrassing how much they worship them

i dont understand why they dont just say it, its not like anything bad will even happen to them


Nuke america


Do you really get off larping like this EVERY FUCKING DAY. Take a break once in a while, man. Seriously.

But seeing BLM in Scotland was fucking hilarious

What contributions?


its hilarious because they keep doing the same like 3 things over and over again but will also lie about black involvement in certain projects to give them all of the credit and pretend they had a larger impact on the creation of something when in reality they didnt do a damn thing.

"3 black women made sure we landed on the moon" naw homie white women and nazis we picked up from germany did that shit


I suppose African descendants lack the concept of first and second hand embarrassment?

What is American culture centered around, Any Forums?

Were still at the start of black history month, user. Theres still 25 more days to go. Then we've got MLK Day, and "Juneteenth". And then pretty much any day after and between.

Huh… he’s kinda right

You are not a democracy
You will never be a democracy
China will eventually take over your fake ass country
They will force gays to take mandatory conversion therapy or be worked to death in a labor camp, transgender people won't even get the first option.
They will strip blacks of all civil rights, and force them to be subjugated or be killed/enslaved.
All of your efforts of creating this false utopia will end, and if anything will be seen as a boogieman for future generations on how NOT to run a country.

So enjoy living in la la land while it lasts.

Because whites are weaklings and too easy to influence, the most NPC of races

I find it hilarious how the entire western civilization tries to pander to these filthy animals like they would pander to little children.

>Oh, don't feel bad you are always last in everything you do, but here have an ice cone and a medal anyway and guess what, we make today the super special celebration of YOU day! YAAAAY!

Bix Noods are truly hopeless and such a failed race, that they need other races to lift them up and treat them like they are special kids at a birthday party.
If I were a Bix Nood with an IQ of at least 90 I would feel extremely offended for being treated like a special needs retard all the time and have my ass and mouth wiped by others because I fail at life.

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A Spectator writer who lives in Japan went to the BLM "protests" there and aside from the foreign students, every native Japanese student there was there purely to skip classes they didn't like and had no idea what it was about (and didn't care for that matter)


They still want maintain the facade. Mostly.

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those would all be good things but you're dreaming if you think the bugmen are going to do it lmao
niggers can't even make a warship that doesn't burst into flames upon hitting the water

It's not real or organic.
Normal Americans are being held hostage.

>it activates the melanin receptors inside the vagina
I'm stealing this

These people need hobbies

>Latino thinks he isn't white

such ungrateful specimens

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it's spelled latinx chud

Everytime Blizzard has a controversy they double down on being woke to make people forget

The future's so dark I'll have to buy another gun.

the future of games lies with the BLACK peoples
we need to right the wrongs of the past first before we can embark into the glorious BLACK future

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thanks for nothing, should have left those fuckers in Africa so they can 'develop their own culture' instead of giving them a free ride to a first world country via slave ship after being sold to whites by village chieftains. Fuckers should be thanking us for the free boat ride instead of bitching how their great grand pappy picked cotton

Chinese century can't come soon enough.

Black's greatest contribution to the world was Johnny B Good but this movie retcons it into some sort of paradoxical manifestation within a time loop