City 17

City 17


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Why do people speak English in Bulgaria?

it's weird seeing nothing but americans in a city with european architecture

Forced relocation and probably Bulgaria getting shit on in the resonance cascade unlike America which held out

in the lore the NA is fucked and the combine conquered the world. Their base of operations is in city 17, so the combine relocated the remaining humans to europe

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I can't imagine anything worse than actually having the combine know where our planet is

Little does he know... He won a ticket to Nova Prospekt!

reading the disaster that was epistle 3

>trying to sleep
>Combine start having another rave party

memory limitation at the time, marc laidlaw said if half-life 2 was remade he would make each npcs speak its own language but that wasnt possible at the time.

>european architecture

>waiting for rations instead of capturing and cooking pigeons

It would have been expensive in 2004 to fly someone with a Bulgarian accent to a sound booth in Bellevue Washington for a few lines of dialogue.

would've been kino

>mfw I moved to Bulgaria
Its exactly like city 17 here

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After playing Alyx, HL2's City 17 feels so empty and barren.

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Looks amazing. Is this actually from Alyx?

listening to a woman talk for an entire minute

It is not (it's a still from TheParryGod's Anti-Citizens short film -, but its made mostly with assets from Alyx.

How can Valve always create such great atmosphere for their games?

I'd post my fave but I don't have it, it's the railway chapter after ravenholm with the snipers and grenades

I want to go fucking back

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