Are there any games that let you mindbreak your own father?

are there any games that let you mindbreak your own father?

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Why do you need a game to simulate it when you've already done it in real life?

any games that let you turn into a tranny?

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Could grisha have simply not killed the children or was Eren somehow magically compelling him to do it?

Fuck this Evangelion wannabe

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It's a stable timeloop. Grisha killed the children because he already did so in the past

Eren showed him the future where he already did it by actively influencing the past with FT/AT, there's literally nothing that could be done, it's why the attack titan is such a weird fucking thing with how it can impact memory via paths

Reminder that eren cucked himself out of tomboy asian pussy and Isayama made Kirsch Virch canon

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Mikasa kills Eren

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You mean games where the protagonist goes full retard in the last hour of playtime and it turns out nothing he did mattered?

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Eren did nothing wrong

no, that little marleyan nigger girl did, Mikasa just finished him off


I wish they would give an anime only ending.

Next episode will be the last good one and then we will enter Isayama's MCU fueled character assassination arc.

Only Ymir knows
He slept through literally the entire arc


to be fair, having your head shot off must be tiring.

All these twists are neat and all, but I still fantasize about a alternate version of the series where Eren fights as a scout with just one leg and one arm after the first time he got brutally maimed from a titan.

Eren did nothing wrong and the cringevengers arc isn't canon.

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This hopium addiction isn't healthy user

Why'd they make grisha look older when he's supposed to be around Levi's current age in that scene

No, I don't want that!

I'd like that too, but it ain't happening. I don't know if yama just turned into a turbo-pleb or if he was forced to sabotage the story by higher-ups for political reasons, but ultimately the reason doesn't matter. Character assassination ending is the ending we got.

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The real question is how they will justify Our Man siding with the Marleyan Alliance against Eren when Reiner killed his parents.