>It’s ok when Nintendo does it

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He's dad that works at nintendo dude trust me

Donkey Kong yacht club when?


@gibbogame on Twitter

They're going to let you turn your Pokémon into NFTs and you're going to be happy about it

love that little guy

Isnt NFT linked to cryptoshit? How are they going to implement something like this when they cant even do basic online stuff?

>we wonder what joy we can provide
not happening, japs can't even see joy in a f-fucking-zero reboot, they gotta be the most joyful things in the world before they consider using them

so basically they are analyzing what can be done with NFT and are figuring out that any NFT game is anti-fun by definition, so they're struggling and will likely never do anything

Nah the whole reason they're probably not to do much is because the old fucks at Nintendo Japan are tech illiterate. Ask a random manager was bitcoin is and he'll probably not even know.

NIntendo recently introduced a new network framework for their games that seems to work much better than the shit they had before, I don't quite recall which recent games use it though

>non-committal answer that boils down to not having any plans but not denying anything to avoid pissing off shareholders
>Any Forums: NINTENDO IS DOING NFTs!!!!!

Yeah I heard it was for Monster Hunter Rise iirc. Still not enough though.

No, it isn't. Fuck off.

Can’t wait to see tendies twist themselves to defend crypto scams.

He's an investor in nintendo i guess and was in an investor's call.
Relies on dude trust me bro but I wouldn't be surprised.

OP learn to fucking read

Do you know the company right?

Kill yourself eric you disgusting bald pig

It's absolutely fine when Nintendo does it.

They're the company who did amiibos, so who's surprised?

Aren't amiibos already the same thing? Ninten-drones already ate this up long time ago.

If this post goes through "ninten-drones" without the dash is flagged.

Yep this site is worse than reddit. Banning words because "spam".

>Aren't amiibos already the same thing?
Not really.

Furries hate it when you upload their art as an NFT and link it to them on Twitter.