How do you best achieve the early 3D/CG aesthetic? Kinda like this and the box art for Donkey Kong Country

How do you best achieve the early 3D/CG aesthetic? Kinda like this and the box art for Donkey Kong Country.
Is it the kinda low res texture and the lighting? I've never don't art work so that's just a guess

Attached: 51329a2c04e2b7f4c6f5c531200abdb0.png (922x1125, 2.15M)


You might be able to recreate that render in a game engine, use Blender to create the geometry and Substance Painter to create the materials for said geometry.

Perhaps use rasterized lighting without baking, use an emissive texture for the fire and put a sphere with a volumetric fog shader for the "glow", screen space reflections for the floor, and a cubemap for Mario's reflection.

What did the nerd on a Silicon Graphics machine in the 90s do to make it?

Attached: shrek 2021-09-18-173011_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Generally low poly, but with generous amounts of subdivision when it comes to rounded edges. Absolutely no texture blending of any sort. Note how you can count like five or six textures in that image, max. Normals are used ONLY to add clay-like grooves to fur/hair or pockmarks to tile surfaces; no additional detail.

Absolutely no volumetric fog. You can have raytraced reflections, but if you add shit like godrays your shaders have become too advanced.

Thank you anons

90s 3D renders have a few common traits that give them that look:
>Simple lighting - usually only a small number of spotlights in a scene with no ambient occlusion or anything like that
>Ugly procedural textures slapped onto walls and floors
>Liberal use of crude bump maps

And in general, there was an overall 'simplicity' to everything, compared to the detail-rich hyper realism of modern renders.

Holy shit there's only 9 textures in the OP picture


90s cgi was dope. I would have loved to play a game like this.

Attached: ninja shadow of darkness.jpg (1280x720, 104.51K)

Always loved these

Attached: donkey-kong-country-2-diddy-kongs-quest-20041007112518902.jpg (1200x1509, 359.13K)

can't imagine the amounts hours they needed to render that back then

you dont have the tech or the skills to do so.

Attached: cgi_diddynurbs.jpg (1036x511, 187.48K)

Follow whatever approach Scott Cawthon did on The Desolate Hope, and you'll probably be in the ballpark.

Attached: 1632032484808.jpg (1200x675, 405.25K)

Attached: 1609800543981.jpg (1920x1080, 1.9M)

You now realize how fucking freakish Dixie's hair is.

This is all I really ask for when a remaster comes out. But modern devs are like "lets add some mossy greenery to those moving platforms! Give them a more lived in feel, ya know? And lets add some vines all around those blue tunnel ways. Spruce them up a bit." Shit that no one asked for, and was never in the original. Fuckers.

Why would you want to make something look like shit?

>I've never don't art work so that's just a guess


Attached: images (40).jpg (480x600, 64.82K)

Mario if he steal

Attached: thumb_black-mario-69117703.png (300x626, 64.22K)

What were they thinking, bros? I really feel like Rare was genuinely baffled when the reception for Nuts & Bolts, happened. Like, they were just completely out of touch.

Attached: 1620045285890.jpg (1000x1545, 125.23K)

I really don't think it was Rare anymore. How much of the original staff was involved for Nuts and Bolts?

soul incarnate

>Designer Justin Cook revealed in an interview with PC Zone that the then-untitled project was in the designing stages, with the entire core team from the original Banjo-Kazooie giving it full-time attention.[26]

According to Wikipedia, at least.