Have you ever met a girl who is as autistically enthusiastic about vidya as you are?

Have you ever met a girl who is as autistically enthusiastic about vidya as you are?

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a bunch unfortunately

>have you ever met a girl

women arent "enthusiastic" about vidya, no woman on earth cares about video games, they just pretend to for easy male attention, same for women who "like" anime

Yes, except she never stopped talking about wanting to get raped by the protagonists. Went on a tangent over the phone about how she wanted to be taken advantage of and spit-roasted by Snake and Raiden in a lonely Arsenal Gear hall where no one could hear her screams. Rarely ever talked about gameplay.

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>enthusiastic about vidya

but i'm not

Nah. Closest is my cousin who is like 15% as interested. She married a guy who's fairly into vidya and has a similar taste to me tho, so now at least I have something nice to talk about during family meetings.

I'm not enthusiastic about video games, my life is just so empty and meaningless that I need videogames to distract myself from that.

All women care about is themselves and sex

Based and basedpilled. It's all just an act

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Never, not once.

no because that would be impossible

Of course not, though i act like a complete normie outside and show no interest in vidya because i dont want people to think im a nerd or gaming addict.

Oh man I must be going crazy because I could’ve sworn I saw this exact thread a couple days ago. Replies being the same.
Answer is no. Girls are just different

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yes my gf got me into playing yugioh and tetris

I'm convinced people who obsess over women are actually closeted homos.

>Have you ever met a girl
No. I don't even leave my room, I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna meet a girl.

im a real life grill but not autistic
I have been here since like 2007
I wish i was fucking dead

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Post booba or gtfo

Objectively false. My wife couldn't give a shit about impressing me. She genuine enjoys playing Animal crossing and Cties: Skylines. She is birth female btw before you faggots have to ask.

A goddamned George Foreman introduced me to this shithole in HS in 2007.

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>since 2007
More like sagga. lol!

Yes, my sister

>Objectively false. [headcanon]
amazing argument, dumbass

And looks cute?
No, they don't exist

my breasts arent big so they dont sag

>animal crossing
>cities skylines
wow great argument user

My gf loved skyrim and rimworld. Although I told her to stick to rimworld because she was a goddam psychopath and played on her laptop touchpad.
So I impressed her by killing a troll with only the touchpad and then we had anal sex (REAL)