ITT: Games everyone loves

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Thanks for starting. OPs are getting way too lazy these days.
Halo 2.

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My friend hated this game and gave me his copy. It was definitely the time limit that got him. I’ve beaten it with all parts.

but i hate that game

your thread has failed!

not a fan

fuck pikmin

I highly disliked it. Played it for a few hours, then dropped.

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Donkey Kong Country 2

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No one cares zoomer this thread is for people with opinions that matter.

such important opinions as "EVERYBODY LOVES THIS GAME RIGHT GUYZ?"

I'm 38. I played the game back when it came out, at a friend's house. Graphics were nice but the gameplay didn't impress me. Same thing happened when I first played OoT and MM, too. Not everyone likes what you like. Cope.

Sounds like you’re a retarded Sony nigger with shit taste.

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I watched game grumps play this and they both actually hated it.

nah you liked it

I played it before I ever owned a 5th-gen console, though. I eventually (in 1998) got a PS1 for Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 2, and Darkstalkers 3. (all of which I first played on a friend's PS1 beforehand) For real, cope.

sm64 is still the best mario game
it's the only one where it's fun to just exist and run around the world
future games neutered the feel of mario and added a lame spin that isn't as fun as the one in SMW

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Not everyone likes what you like. Cope.

strong disagree, I absolutely love fucking around in sunshine's world/levels

If you didn't think this was the hottest shit, you were cringe and gay.

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Fuck you

I'm 30 and I've never played Mario 64. I don't love it. I never bought it.
When I was a kid I took 1 look at 3D Mario and went "That's fucking retarded, that won't work." What little time I spent playing the shitty ass N64, I mostly spent on Pokemon Stadium, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Smash Bros, Turok 2, and Perfect Dark.

Yeah, I guess Sunshine has some fun movement possibilities. Don't really like the main hover though, and the game as a whole is really hamstringed by uneven mission design. Which wouldn't be a problem with the Mario 64 layout, but you need to play every mission in order.

Literally the only problem with sunshine is that there's not more of it, wish it had more dev time so bad.

you sure were a retarded kid
probably still are

Deus Ex Human Revolution

The original is better but HR is still good, and more accessible for normies and zoomers[/spoilers].