Dead on arrival

dead on arrival

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XVI_2020_09-16-20_013.jpg (3840x2160, 2.75M)

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Pretty much

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As a huge FF fan, I agree


why do newfags do this
Any Forums isn't one person dude

what the fuck is your point

Imagine caring about Final Fantasy past the 11th installment.



When is it supposed to be out?

nobody knows
yoshi-p is too busy sucking WoW e-celeb cock to do anything

The train wreck just keeps growing then huh?

him slurping asmomdead's cock love on stream was pathetic

Either late this year or early next.

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>FF hasn't been good in over 20 years
>but this one
>this one will be good
>super pinky swear

Endwalker made FF and MMO history, user. You have to let the meme go.

Is that what they're calling their re-re-re-re-relaunched MMO this year?


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trying too hard retard

am I funny yet guise

Talking about real mainline games here, MMO's don't count. I say this as someone who loves the fuck out of FFXI too. MMO's are a transient experience, not the bedrock single player experience the series is known for.

Also XIV is shit.

Fug meant for

>love XI
>hate XIV


I mean, why the fuck should I love a downgrade?

>trying so hard to be contrarian you misquote

whatever you say, Barry

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Did it ever occur to you that not everyone likes your game? That maybe I have my own reasons?

okay contrarian

Alright shill.

yes we get it
old good new bad
niche good popular bad

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lol is that really the best you could do

It's unironically overshadowed by Stranger of Paradise, which will be the best singleplayer FF game in literal decades.

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FFXV is shit



>game isn't even out
>people declaring it DoA

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I wish Square would go back to trying even half as hard as I did on that post.
you will never be funny, or a loli furry

go back to sucking dicks on reddit

SoP will be forgotten by the time XVI comes out.

>le FF hasn't been good in 20 years!
I hate boomers so much

More like game with actual fucking gameplay, choices on builds, gear, playstyle, community good, shitty tranny dress up simulator with hashed together nostalgia bait story, shallow wow clone gameplay and utter lack of meaningful content bad. Really just shows how easily you're entertained if you even consider this trash a game.

>FFXV is shit
but my favorite streamer said it was good

>news coming in 2021 guys
>2021: ...

No they didn’t. No one did.

This is the first FF game that might actually be good in over 20 years.


I hate you more.

You laugh but you know I'm right, the gameplay is literally Nioh 3 (which is some of the best action gameplay in existence) and the story actually seems enjoyable even beyond just the memes.


For like a week, and then people will start comparing the two and realize that Team Ninja made a better game than Naoki "pennypincher" Yoshida.

>I hate boomers so much
Because we got to grow up playing better games than you?

