What did he mean by this

what did he mean by this

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Quinoa is trans

deleting this from my backlog

That's what i tell everybody about everybody else, though. Seems to fit

>j-japan's not pozzed
>has twitter pronouns in their games since 1980

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>(((western))) game
added to my no play list

What does he say in the PS1 version?

Do not use Quina for shitposting, you gigantic fag

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Non-binary rights are trans rights are human rights. My significant other half was a girl who turned out to be non-binary, she's been looking to get some surgeries done.

>defending trannyslations
go back

Death to America

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Japanese doesn't even have pronouns.

gotta be 18 to post on this site kiddo

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Aubrey just looks like a non-binary on testosterone

sorry I'm not a snoy

Crona from soul eater is officially non-binary.

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one of the best blue mages in the series, if not the best

no they isn't

fuck you, nigger

>white palms
the little details, man

I always wondered how it actually sounds when they're saying s/he. Obviously it can't just be she otherwise it wouldn't be different but if they're saying suh-hee it sounds really dumb.

You know it. Legitimately a really cool character.

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literally quina is one of the few times in the franchise blue mage HASN'T been insanely broken
Do you think quina is good because he's actually balanced?
Or do you unironically like the design?

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That doesn't disprove Japan's lack of non first person pronouns

explain あたし

do you think 彼 and 彼女 are interchangeable?

fags sometimes say atashi too, and girls sometimes use boku and less often ore

I read it as she-he

That's a non-gendered first person pronoun that only anime characters use

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>I read it as she-he
that's a slur though, I'm sure it's not pronounced like that either.

they litearlly look like they are shitposting because they lost a bet

Damn I didn't know the drummer for King Gizzard was a 22 year old lesbian

Based google translate user

I miss when Any Forums liked femboys and traps
those were simpler times
i hate politics bros

No, you're thinking of he-she. Completely different. It probably isn't pronounced that way but s/he is unpronouncable babble like latinx.

Like everyone ELSE......

You have human rights.
Nothing else special.

What the fuck is that font?