Steam Deck? More like Steam Gay haha

Steam Deck? More like Steam Gay haha

Attached: Steam-Deck-Portada-Nuevos-Detalles.jpg (480x375, 88.09K)

thats it, Im cancelling my preorder

>using steam
Who the fuck uses that piece of shit these days. GoG has no DRM, Epic gives free games. Shit, a single game has more players than all of steam combined.

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Fuck... I'm cancelling right now. I can't go on after this.

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>180 million
About 150 million are from china so thats not relevant

That riot tweet counts alts and mobile players faggot

I hate it too and I will buy it. I'm retarded durrrr and think it might help the linux situation.

You played yourself

This look gay to you faggot? Ha yea, respect son I'm.out. peace

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I'd suck mad dick for this son, no homo

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Steam dick
Steamy upperdecker
Sodomy station

And? Mobile phones are the future of gaming. Another shot against the steam deck is that literally any phone can simply stream games to it in far better quality than the steam deck. Why the hell would people pay $400 for this garbage?

Do it.


1080 alone costs 400 dollars.
I got a 650

Nevermind, I changed my mind.

Worse, it counts separate games from the universe. So if you play Valorant, league, runterra, and tft, you count as 4 people.

Trips wasted on a retard.
Did you know you can change it?

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That one with Turquoise touchpads in the top right would be better with light grey analog sticks the same color as the face of the device instead of that gay orange.

Bro? We all got 64gb so we could upgrade to 1 TB and not have a shitty screen

100% agree

user, you can't just say things like that...................................................................................................................................................