Which game ruined the first-person shooter genre more?

Which game ruined the first-person shooter genre more?

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How about all the other actually garbage games that ripped those two off

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (220x303, 18.93K)

Gaylo made it possible for CoD to finish the job



find me a fucking post 2003 FPS that lets you carry more than 2guns or 2guns+pistol
direct sequels that use the previous game's gun list don't count
i actually liked that you could carry one gun of every type in most games. Fuck realism and muh immersion and bullshit.
Halo would have been better with 3 guns at least so i never had to fucking waste an entire slot lugging around rocket or sniper.

Halo ruined FPS so CoD4 could ruin video games

Halo doesn't have movement inaccuracy mechanics and you can jump around and perform actions with your weapon held up at all times. A better comparison is Counter Strike or CoD.

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More like saved the genre. Boomer shooters are fucking boring

Wolfenstein New Order

Are you actually just retarded?

They're both great games with addictive gunplay, superior to 90% of AAA FPS games released recently. It's just (((publishers))) greedy practices, the constant milking of the same old tired formulas by everyone who ruined the genre.

>aim bot

Is this is slow motion or something?

Modern Warfare, hate to say it. Introduced all the "cinematic on-rails" bullshit with that opening sequence. It was awesome at the time but it send games down the wrong fucking path for decades. Interactivity was sacrificed entirely for these "wow look!" moments - LITERALLY killing gaming and replacing it with interactive movies.

Any Forums "ladies" and gentleman

This, both those games were fun. It's the two decades of stagnation and rehashes that are to blame.

Call of Duty 4, because it made console shooters with aim-down-sights the norm. Even old school console shooters like GoldenEye 007, Turok, Perfect Dark, and TimeSplitters didn't have ADS mechanics.

>direct sequels that use the previous game's gun list don't count
stfu retard
wow id soft has brains grats
go see all the cods and moh and shits that removed it.

halo, it's slow as fuck and a chore to play
cod4 was actually good

They both did a good amount of damage
CoD's influence turned all FPS brown and grey with super serious storytelling
Halo's influence slowed the average gameplay down by more than half of what it used to be and made console weapon carry limitations the norm even for PC games

This, older console FPS were still fast-paced and played like oldschool shooters, including Halo. When Halo introduced sprint, it ruined the series, and COD 4 ruined an entire generation of FPS.

Donut h8 be cuz u sUk LuL

>Introduced all the "cinematic on-rails" bullshit with that opening sequence
Go back to your crib

>weapon carry limitations
Counter Strike and Soldier of Fortune had weapon limits before Halo.

>they don't get the whole point of the thread
there are more fucking retards on my board every day

Power weapons in Halo (ex sniper and rockets) are generally pretty easy to use to encourage map control. I could do that myself without the grenade/OS jump just using the weapons normally and he has height advantage so it's even easier.
Halo is known for having super low gravity compared to other FPS games, so jumps take forever to land. Multiply that by grenades and an overshield and of course he's going to be falling forever.

It's not about who did it first but about who ruined the FPS genre for a decade

blaming the game that made a trend is stupid,you should blame the lazy followers of the trend.

Halo 2 and/or 3 are widely regarded as the greatest video game(s) of all time.

hater's gon hate

halo 3 is easily the most fluid fps ever created.

and the re-charging energy shield introduced by the halo series is a brilliant mechanic. also, in games like CoD (which sucks) and CS (which is actually a great game series), unskilled players and teams can still win against more skilled players and teams. but in Halo, if someone was better than you, you would get dominated by them until you actually improved at the game.

The point of the thread is retarded. It's a brainlet take that successful games that were doing something different at the time are to blame for the mediocrity that followed them. Retards in suits chasing a buck ruined gaming, not the 20 year old games that were actually fun in their day.

Half-Life honestly started this trend.

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