Are there any Steam Deck alternatives?

Are there any Steam Deck alternatives?

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yes but they cost almost twice as much as the most expensive steam deck.

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There are knock off chink devices

>With similar performance
>For a similar price
>For a similar price and with similar performance
Absolutely not
Pick one.


No one wants the gimmicky downgrade

Hopefully other companies make their own
SteamOS is free to use, requires no licensing
It would be interesting to see some ARM based or even RISC-V based handhelds

Intel driver's lol ,Vaga gaming barf

You can buy mobile devicss with entire cstalogs of console games, negro brain

I would love to enter an age of hybrid console domination. Upcharge for docks with an eGPU, so it can play at real console performance when you're home. Between this and foldable phones, I'm kind of hype that we're doing another generation of tech hardware consolidation


Nope the don't exist stop searching

>advanced gaming tech
mate it's just gonna be streaming

Look up how bad are xe driver's and Vega is useless I'd you want to play anything intensive.

Based ESL retard

I can't figure out what you're trying to say with this reply

Does it even have a sim slot?

steamies.... it's happening

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Question about this thing. I have a bunch of gog games for windows. Is playing games on windows gonna work well w this thing? I’ve seen people say they’ll be unoptimized. What should I expect?