*saves VR gaming*

>*saves VR gaming*

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how can you save something that doesn't exists?

I will never use Facebook anything.

>trillion dollar company that basically runs the world
>VR graphics is some Nintendo Wii style aethestic


by injecting it with advertisements, and social media elements

Zuckerberg-sama.... I kneel...


He's so fucking ugly already. Imagine changing his face even though he looks horrendous already.

>>VR graphics is some Nintendo Wii style aethestic
how else would it run on literally any normie device?

should i get a g2 or wait for cambria/deckard

G2 is only really worthwhile if you're mainly planning on playing sim games since the tracking is ass. If you want a headset now and can't afford an index get a quest 2
>but I don't have a facebook account
Neither do I, you don't need one

I think reptile people is a stupid theory, but every time I see this guy it makes me doubt.

Attached: 2dpwzw.jpg (964x912, 59.83K)

All those great VR games...

Capitalism has never ever been about delivering a quality product. It's a out delivering a subpar product to as many people as possible. Just look at American food.

>Makes expensive vrchat
lol ok

>don't need one
Elaborate. I know they are phasing it out this year but how do you avoid it right now?

>saves VR gaming by fragmenting the community with exclusivity deals and forcing mandatory facebook login shit on people on your platform, then when people call you out on it you do the equivalent of putting on a fake moustache with weak adhesive by calling themselves meta, which appears to work on retards like OP

There's been an exploit to bypass it for the past 1 and a half years
tl;dw you install an old version of the oculus app from before facebook was needed, log in with an oculus dev account and try to connect with a first gen quest. It'll activate your quest 2.
If you want to go further you can also strip out a decent amount of the botnet
This does disable some features though

that's not gaben

lol. lmao.

>“Within 60 seconds of joining — I was verbally and sexually harassed — 3–4 male avatars, with male voices, essentially, but virtually gang-raped my avatar and took photos — as I tried to get away they yelled — ‘don’t pretend you didn’t love it’ and ‘go rub yourself off to the photo’.”

>The 43-year-old mother said it was such a “horrible experience that happened so fast” before she even had a chance to think about using “the safety barrier” - adding that she “froze”.

>Ms Jane Patel, who lives in London, noted both her “physiological and psychological” reaction was akin to it happening in real life.

>“Virtual reality has essentially been designed so the mind and body can’t differentiate virtual/digital experiences from real,” Ms Jane Patel said.
But she explained she is a “determined woman” with a community around her - also saying she has no plans to be “deterred by three or four avatars” trying to “scare or intimidate” her.

>She added: “My experience of sexual harassment was, to say the least, shocking. Shocking because I am not accustomed to be spoken to in such derogatory ways, maybe back in 1996, but certainly not in 2021.

>“The comments on my post were a plethora of opinions from — ‘don’t choose a female avatar, it’s a simple fix.’, to ‘don’t be stupid, it wasn’t real’, ‘a pathetic cry for attention’, ‘avatars don’t have lower bodies to assault’,’ you’ve obviously never played Fortnite, ‘I’m truly sorry you had to experience this’ and ‘this must stop’.”

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