Decent combat combined with expansive open world, environments, enemies

>decent combat combined with expansive open world, environments, enemies
>genuinely good art design and the lighting/texture work still looks gorgeous with good mods
>fun, in-depth base building and crafting
>can create a supply chain network between settlements and arm the provisioners with high end gear, watch them blow shit up in real time as they wander the world
>world feels dynamic and alive with constant faction warfare and AI patrols blowing each other up in the distance

If you ignore this is a Fallout game and just enter it as “Bethesda RPG” it’s their pinnacle. New Vegas has great writing and RPG mechanics but it is utterly mind numbing to play and has nothing to offer once you’ve experienced all of the game’s quests. Great book, shit video game

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I agree

>>decent combat combined with expansive open world, environments, enemies
>>genuinely good art design and the lighting/texture work still looks gorgeous with good mods
No and No
>>fun, in-depth base building and crafting
>>can create a supply chain network between settlements and arm the provisioners with high end gear, watch them blow shit up in real time as they wander the world
If they don't glitch out and get killed by bumping into cars
>>world feels dynamic and alive with constant faction warfare and AI patrols blowing each other up in the distance
This has been a thing since forever

this game isnt even an RPG

Base building is objectively fun in this game though. You have a huge amount of customization options, a huge variety of environments to build in and can also create things with mechanical functions Ie factories, combat arenas, etc

I just killed courser in the game. Not sure how long ive played, but the game definitely is great in terms of combat + open world. The main quest is quite ok as well. Also there's a ton of replayablilty in terms of changing to higher difficulty after knowing how the game mechanics works. In my opinion it's close to new vegas in terms of total enjoyment.

>Great book, shit video game
this is your brain on open world shitboxes.

There is nothing like the battles in Fallout 4 in previous Fallouts and the crafting and weapon modding is genuinely awesome especially if you download weapon mods

And the art design is great like all Bethesda games

Not being snarky. Not even assuming this thread has any fans of Witcher series.

But why is Witcher III an RPG while Fallout 4 is not?

You wouldn't understand.

yeah, i don't get why Any Forums shits on it. i liked it enough to play through it multiple times

It glitches 90% of the time, the settler system doesn't work, and building defenses means jack when Raiders spawn inside your settlement
>the crafting and weapon modding is genuinely awesome especially if you download weapon mods
Weapon modding is shit when 90% of the weapon attachments just increase damage
>And the art design is great like all Bethesda games
It's the worst Fallout game in terms of aesthetics since BoS

The Witcher 3 is an action RPG as is Fallout 4. Neither actually incorporate true character building and role playing that can be seen in games like Pathfinder or even something like Morrowind. The jump from New Vegas, which was the closest the 3D Fallout has gotten to being like a classic CRPG to Fallout 4 made the changes extra jarring, but on its own the game is extremely well made from a mechanical perspective. It would be far better with decent tier writing and role playing, but it gets ignored how much better it is in a lot of other areas

>>decent combat combined with expansive open world, environments, enemies
The combat is "passable", the variety in environments isn't that great and the enemies are pretty shit or nothing new. Fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to add in "Legendary" enemies.
>>genuinely good art design and the lighting/texture work still looks gorgeous with good mods
You're cooked if you think that everything looking like lumpy clay with some shitty foggy lighting is "gorgeous"
>>fun, in-depth base building and crafting
Go fuck yourself.
>>>can create a supply chain network between settlements and arm the provisioners with high end gear, watch them blow shit up in real time as they wander the world
Except this still doesn't matter because they die to stupid shit all the time or end up killing themselves, also enjoy having your settlements still lose unless you're around to defend it.
>>world feels dynamic and alive with constant faction warfare and AI patrols blowing each other up in the distance
That's not new, it;'s been a thing since 2008.

It's a shit game, with shit writing, with shit sense making, and shit dialogue. Nothing is memorable and it's no wonder people still play the previous games for a refresh every year.

It's fuckin great. I look forward to the Chadout 4 threads in a few more years. See you there, kings.

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>Weapon modding is shit when 90% of the weapon attachments just increase damage
So you didn't even play the game

You keep saying “objectively”, but clearly don’t know what that word means

>the settler system doesn’t work!
>it just glitches all the time!

These aren’t criticisms, these are just vague statements that don’t really apply most of the time. Shit works perfectly fine in my play through, using Sim Settlements adds a good amount of extra depth to the base building system without breaking anything.

the settlement mechanics are unironically fun as hell but they kinda suck before charisma level 6
I remember seeing this idea that you would be able to build up the settlement into being self sufficient instead of having to save your guys from being kidnapped by raiders alot
And remove like half the quests for them and make the minutemen into an actual faction, i cant even look at the word settlement and map next to eachother anymore without thinking of that nigger
its like they put both too much and too little too emphasis on it

also are there any mods that make the gunplay of new vegas into something like fallout 4? it was actually pretty good as a shooter and going back to NV after it feels awful

Yes i did you fag, most attachments just increase your weapon's damage, and maybe other stat like RoF, range or accuracy
>But muh sights
Realistically you only use the reflex sight unless you're a sniper
>But muh muzzles
Only silencers are useful, and just because of mister sandman

Fallout 4 is the only Fallout game on the Steam top 100 played list retard

>These aren’t criticisms, these are just vague statements that don’t really apply most of the time.
Are you shitting me?

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If I want to play an open world shooter where I can base build F4 is still my go to. People bitch about the writing or whatever but have yet to provide me with a better game offering similar mechanics.

They also change magazine size, reload speed, ammo type turning pistols into sniper rifles.

The mods change literally every statistic of the gun

oh snap, that means all criticisms don't matter


>turning pistols into sniper rifles
Is this bait?

Unironically yes


Good morning sirs

I simply don’t experience what you claim which makes your criticisms worthless; the mechanics are sound and work 99% of the time for me, so you just insisting it’s glitchy when it doesn’t apply is a worthless critique.

That is literally what happens
You clearly didn't play the fucking game

Of course people play it you retard, that's not what I was talking about. Whenever someone goes "I feel like playing fallout again" do you think they're going to pick up Fallout 4? No they're going to play 3 or New Vegas, or TTW.

did you join the nuka world raiders? who was your main faction? where'd you stick your main outpost? operators for me, all along the eastern coast. let strong crash there too. figure i'll give the pack a post or two just to boost the raider radio range. gonna have my nigga red eye blasting all the way out into the glowing sea

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>turning pistols into sniper rifles
>But only with the shitty weapons that you never used

Only autists can replay New Vegas 17 times and not get bored. The writing is good and the quests are well made but that’s the ONLY thing it has going for it. They are objectively far less replayable than Fallout 4 on account of shit combat mechanics and no dynamic content

>can't bang Holly the horny ghoul
>all dialogue options are "No", "lol no", "hell no"

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I know it’s what happens, I was asking if it’s bait that you’re presenting it as a positive

lasers and plasmas can too. plasmas can even turn to flamethrower types

This, once you’ve done all the content in NV/3 there’s literally nothing to do or see. In F4 you can spend hundreds of hours creating new bases or grinding out enemies and it’s still fun because the core mechanics are well designed and focused around being enjoyable to play

You literally cant make a decent fence without using the rug glitch

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>>decent combat combined with expansive open world, environments, enemies
AI is bad as ever, world has few interesting locations, don't get me started on legendary enemies
>>genuinely good art design and the lighting/texture work still looks gorgeous with good mods
Too bad they botched it in-game, the vanilla lighting and colors are similar to vomit. I appreciate the return to art deco inspiration though
>>fun, in-depth base building and crafting
Settlers just pace around, can't navigate in your structures, and this is all funded on hours of garbage collection by (you). Weapon and armor modding is a great concept, too bad all of the weapons are total shit.
>>can create a supply chain network between settlements and arm the provisioners with high end gear, watch them blow shit up in real time as they wander the world
This amounts to sharing inventories in settlements, and random encounters with NPCs a la skyrim. Wow.
>>world feels dynamic and alive with constant faction warfare and AI patrols blowing each other up in the distance
It actually feels static, with placeholder enemies respawning once a week to do the same predetermined thing, or you constantly having to rush back to attacked settlements to avoid damages.
This game is a mediocre rpg, whether or not you isolate it from the better fallout games that came before. Power armor is cool, some followers are cool, but it waters down everything that made the series great and doesn't make an effort to meaningfully expand on what it adds.

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Again retard you you clearly didn't play the game
The pipe, laser, plasma, and institute are just *guns*. You add a longer barrel to them and can turn them into automatic weapons or rifles

The same combat mechanics exist in fallout 4, there's no difference. What do you get out of fallout 4 that isn't already in NV apart from a QoL addition (quickswap menu). Matter of fact I'd say you get less in fallout 4 since only one ammo type.

Oh yeah, i guess you can

>"m-mods just increase damage"
>no they actually turn them into entirely new weapons
>"t-that doesn't count"
Ok move those goalposts retard

It's not an RPG. It's a shooter with light RPG elements.
Also, the settlement system is atrocious.
The main quest and all factions are literal dogshit. Yes, these things left a dogs anus during development.
After a while you turn into an unkillable murder machine and all difficulty that may have been there in the beginning disappears forever, unless you want bullet sponge enemies.

I still had a good time playing it, but there are many things very wrong with it.

You can shit on F4’s quest design and writing as much as you want because it’s garbage but it is miles ahead in every regard related to actual gameplay and how it feels to play

I became the leader of The Pack my raiderbro. I slaughtered all the other raiderfactions and raided my own settlements in Boston, fuck the Minuteman.
Some peak Fallout shit

Playing on Survival with appropriate damage mods keeps the challenge up for quite a long time and is the only way to play.

>good lighting
It's passable, but I wouldn't call it good. Oblivion had (shitty looking, but present) bump mapping on some textures. FO4 has normal mapping on some parts of character models and that's it. The lighting is very outdated and basic, and that's strange considering nearly everything else was properly on par with visual fidelity expected of a 2015 title. Considering every prior game looked a few years outdated on release, that was an achievement.

If you say so

>de-facto leader of the minuteman scolds you in three sentences and continues being your loyal dog

>everyone calling me a retard is one person
Stupid newfag

>Sorry boss, that settlement seems to be yours"
Great """Raider""" RPGing

Vanilla lighting is shit but the global illumination system actually has a lot of potential which can be unlocked with mods. The game is too warm and orange in vanilla and lacks some features that are still technically built in like proper reflections

I consolecommanded that nigger out

You're joking. NV was 3 2.0, except now the skill checks are hard checks and not success chances.
>sorry, your speech skill is one point below what's required so you have zero chance of passing this check
It's a simplification on the same level as all the simplifications that get criticized.

You are both retards

What does quest design and writing have to do with combat mechanics and gameplay you finicky fuck. The gameplay is the same across the board in terms of weapon combat. If you actually wanted to say positive things about gameplay changes then SAY THEM. An example is the change in Power Armor.
Power Armor in Fallout 4 is a massive change because it turns you into an actual walking tank.

>here's your ghoul bro

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It takes one to know one