What's the best thing that can happen with the warcraft elves once microsoft takes over?

what's the best thing that can happen with the warcraft elves once microsoft takes over?

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Maybe there will be a surge in WoW porn. That's the best case scenario.

I've noticed a significant drop the last few months up to a year. I'm not sure if the sale is enough in itself to garner interest but maybe other changes would be

Warcraft 4 with a new team

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new capital, boot the Horde out of their zones entirely. undo the neutrality of the remaining night elf zones. it's that simple.

Getting bred by orcs

Orcs are equally fucked in the future. They're going to become insufferable dindus chimping about muh honour and lamenting how cruel their former warchief was for all eternity while Thrall simps for the Alliance.

Warcraft cant have porn, war, conflict or stereotypes. Meanwhile wh fantasy has racism, war and hooligans orcs. We all now who won at the end in the Blizzard and GW conflict.


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I hate to say it but, this.

(you) as pic related but replace black with orc and/or troll.

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Why do you think everything is a black man?
Maybe tells people more about your american brain.

This but I'm guessing this is a Noldorfag thread though. I'm sure he'll start dumping his shitty art folder any second now.

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kill the lore
restart from wc3
nelves are their own faction, humans can fuck off

I want to discuss what games about elves they could make

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There has not been a single black man posted in this thread yet.

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Okay Rexx

I don't think degrading elf women is particularly hot.

Rexx isn't even the best out there and I have no idea what he's even up to anymore.

It doesn't necessarily have to be elf women. Just attractive women.

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More orc and human enslaving.

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Ziahna? You're a man of taste.

I'm not even a fan of femdom but the idea of being taken captive by sex starved night elf females is pretty hot.