How should I start? I wanna try MTG

How should I start? I wanna try MTG.

Attached: Magic-the-Gathering-Arena-Art.jpg (1280x723, 137.88K)

be prepared to play through your typical freemium chore game if you want to get shit without spending cash.

Don't remind me of the "Zendikar noodle incident" please.

They give 5 mono decks and 10 multi color decks to new players just by playing and at that point with free codes to get some packs as well you will have enough wild cards to make your own deck or upgrade the existing ones. Just don’t give them any money. There are woke as fuck.

I never really pay for mtx shit so not a problem

Are there public matches in XMage or does it only work if you already have people to play with?

Good. You don’t really have to anyway. Don’t buy packs with your gold. Use them to enter draft event. You’ll keep the cards and if you win enough you’ll get your gold back. Rinse and repeat.

You should start by building a time machine to experience magic at its peak from 2002-2015 (pre-Magic Origins)

Get good at limited and enjoy the magic experience.

Bonus: Make like 4 accounts and improve your limited skills this way. Dont finish the color challenge. It allows you to ez finish daily quests vs bots.

What card game would you recommend? Lookin to try something out

Find a time machine, it hasn't been worth playing for practically a decade

Not sure, most of the good ones I see are roguelites like Slay the Spire and One Step From Eden. I guess try Runeterra if you don't mind the LoL aesthetic. It's not as deep as magic, but far less predatory than Arena.


I tried XMage, and unless you only play commander, it's pretty fucking dead.

Dragons of Tarkir*

unironically yugioh if you can stomach reading the bible page on every relevant meta card, they just released a new online game client too

not even trying to be Us vs Them on saying one game is better than the other, i personally own more MTG card value than most posters on this board make in a year, the game is just absoute trashfire for the last five years with no signs of improving.
MTG has too many problems to list without spending 3 hours writing you a book about it, the game just needs a complete upheaval of designers and developers to be saved.

Attached: mog target player.jpg (565x753, 63.93K)

>complete the turorials
>check the MtGA general on /vg/ for codes for free stuff
>spend gold to play Jumpstart so you can keep the cards of the decks you draft
>look up some cheap and easy deck
>do your quests
>spend wildcards for the expensive stuff
>spend your gold to draft so you can get gems
>spend gems to buy a pass so you can get packs and more gems

I don't really think switching to yugioh will let him avoid cancer user

Download Yu-gi-oh master duel and Magic the Gathering Arena. You can play both for free and those are two of the most popular virtual card games that actually have identical or near identical table-top counterparts. Don't spend money on them. Just try them to see if you like the games. If you do and you want to spend money on one of them then buy real actual cards and play at a game shop.

yugioh is just mindless fun, i don't know if what i'm even saying is correct.
there's a charm to how stupid and broken everything is, the client is also much less financially abusive in terms of giving you what you need to play the game without just being a fodder player for people that paid $500 for virtual wildcard packs

i just get depressed even thinking about magic or looking at my collection these days

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Not even that other user, you seem completely fucking delusional.

learn to draft. Constructed is and always will be a shitshow.

Huh? I never felt like I didn't have what I need while playing Arena and I never spent a dime. Retard.

Cool thanks, yeh just miss the old days I guess. These digital formats seem a little soulless

last time i played MTG arena was back in the teferi/ravnica block so that's why i'm saying i'm not sure if i'm correct, the game was wildly skewed toward whales with decks entirely constructed out of rares and mythics at the time. maybe they've improved it since then, but it was pretty ugly and reviled back then

>Magic the Gathering Arena.
>Pre-Origins days
user, are you retarded?


Standard is alwasy going to be rare and mythic heavy. It's how Wizards of the Jew makes their money.

Standard isn't that bad currently, but WotC is walking back hard on their promise to deliver more formats to Arena due to Alchemy letting them slowly turn the game into Hearthstone without a dusting system.
>Pioneer masters was supposed to release in 2020, not on indefinite hold
>No longer obligated to give players wildcards in exchange for nerfs in Alchemy since it's not considered the same as a ban
>still finding more ways to make you pay more for less.