Games that no one remembers

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One of the few good racing games aside from Trackmania Sunrise and Burnout

Yeah it’s really disappointing that the studio shut down I remember it was a lot of fun


>Burnout but with those shitty reshade with maximum bloom

I certainly do, legitimately one of the most fun racing games I've played. It wasn't perfect, but the concept was 20/10, shame it didn't get any sequels

How has there not been a Death Race game with this style. Considering how the producers keep churning out shitty sequels of the movie, you'd think they'd be interested in making videogames.

what about ridge racer

Fucking loved playing that with friends. One of them even managed to get his dad to play with the group and was surprisingly pretty good.

I very much remember this game. One of the great losses in the racing genre.

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Fuck is that one with the tracks falling apart? I loved that.

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This game has a cult following of sorts

>racing game
>locked to 30fps
fucking why

Motogp Ultimate Racing Technology series

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Where can I find people who likes it?

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I'm tired of captchas so its the last one

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I was trying to think of this game but couldnt remember the name

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I wish this shit was never made, so that annoying faggot never went mainstream.

I'm glad I could help you with this one. Please play this game if you can. I played it recently and I loved it.