

Attached: Final-Fantasy-Pixel-Remaster-Nintendo-Switch-Cover.jpg (1200x631, 48.83K)

Only in a full-price bundle, please understand.

inb4 cart comes with 1 and all the others are download only

>Finally Faggotry
No one case.

Needs to hurry up so I can pirate it and play it on my switch

holy cope

unironically been wanting this for a long time, nothing cozier than playing some jrpgs in bed

>I love final faggorty
You're trans aren't you?

Unless they made some major changes I wouldn't recommend getting it on switch. I have the full PC collection and every single game has needed mod work to make them worth it. And I mean for really basic shit, like fixing the text and the horrible scrolling stutter. And even then the difficulty has been neutered for most of them which you can fix with restoration mods on PC but you're shit out of luck on switch

No I'm good I'll just pirate them.

why are you buying roms?

Attached: 4575423463.png (492x487, 199.29K)

what is wrong with you?

Well sure. The franchise is dog shit. It's always been shit and will always be shit. There are too many other JRPGs out there that are a thousand tines better.


Retard alert.


>final fantasy is now considered "trans"

When did this happen?

Humans aren't apex predators
We still get hunted by tigers and lions and other big cats. Also crocodiles and snakes eat us.

It's time to seek help user

Why are you buying food when you can just steal it from the grocery store?

>he thinks something like this would ever be physical to begin with

get the pc version so you can mod the games