You DID unlock 'The Lost' the intended way RIGHT Any Forums?

You DID unlock 'The Lost' the intended way RIGHT Any Forums?

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pppp please pppp please dddd ddd ddont spo spoil any of our 5 dollar game

Aaron Paul let himself go.

>zoomer can't understand the beauty of the community working together to discover and share secrets
guess how I know you were born in the 2000s?

what is the intended way

Just play the game

Some autistic shit.
>Pick up missing poster
>Die with it
>See that the death screen has some jigsaw puzzle pieces on it

Edmund THEN expected a ton of people to get lucky enough to to piece all the jigsaw pieces together in order to tell you the following instructions

>Isaac must die to a Mulliboom in Chapter 1.
>Magdalene must die to her own bomb in Chapter 2.
>Judas must die to Mom.
>Azazel must die to Satan.
You have to do all that in one session.

Edmund is a fucking prick and the fact he threw a cry baby fit when people just datamined it shows how much of a baby he is.

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card game's over...

Is there really no way to obfuscate or encrypt shit so people can't datamine?

>community working together
tranny hands typed this

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Storing stuff on a server. Otherwise no. If your computer can run the game, then it knows how to run the game, so it knows how to do the secrets, so a dataminer can get it. There's no loopholes.
OP's example actually had a pretty good method, though. It was to make the answer so mew-under-the-truck that people would call the dataminer a larper if they shared it, which is exactly what happened. People were half-way done doing it legit before someone noticed that it matched.

I mean after the lost arg got datamined, ed did another one where he just held off on patching in the new content until the ARG was completed.

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That's pathetic. I can understand asking for people to keep it a secret but throwing a fit because of it is just juvenile.

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ARGs are stupid like any content that hinges on a limited time period

No. If the game has instruction on how to decrypt something, then it's decryptable by anyone.

It was a cool idea, getting people to collaborate and figure out over days or weeks how to unlock the Lost.

I don't blame him for being angry. It must have taken some time to implement, only for people to crack it and remove the whole game aspect of finding out.

Not expecting people to crack it and figure out what's there was his actual mistake. Only other option was not to put everything client-side.

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He also majorly overestimated how much the dataminers sped things up. They saved maybe a day or three at the most. Online communities already had all the relevant pieces of the puzzle, the only thing people were still figuring out was the order to do them in.

He's a stupid man child and just needs to get good burying game secrets. Noita players have been struggling with the eye patterns and cauldron secrets for months now. Why can't Isaac devs manage to make secrets like that? I hope it bothers them.

I somehow got lucky and got it on release after reading on Any Forums what needs to be done, of course but right now you can simply die in a sacrifice room while holding the poster, right? I mean it's still bullshit as you have to find the poster among 69612135 other useless trinkets

because edmund's knowledge of args extends to "doing thing A leads to thing B which leads to thing C which leads to thing D" and so on


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Is this the intended way to play Tainted Lost?

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Easiest marks of my life.

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