What is your favorite Warcraft-like RTS?

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I never managed to beat this game, the campaign was such a slog and I can't even find the magazine CD that it was on anymore.

I would call it Dune2like. Or *craft-style RTS. But to answer the question, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns.

Warlords battlecry: The not Warhammer not Warcraft game. The Protectors are a buggy mess though

thought this was a thumbnail thread
>approaching alpha parasect.jpg

>> warcraft like
What does that even mean? Are you talking about a high fantasy setting? Or are you talking about multolie resources and base building? Or are you talking about rts with very diverse factions and units?
There are so many thing “warcraft like rts” could mean.

For me, it has to be Paraworld. Fucking annoying that the game isn't available anymore due to copyright issues or something.

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>game from 2006 looks better than Age of Cuckpires 4
Lelic should just shut down at this point.

Warcraft 3

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I tried it after reforged came out it's fucking terrible boomers are stupid

warcraft like? as in you start with an hq building you need to upgrade for more tech, population cap is increased by structures, deforestation can change the layout of the map and resources are generally finite?
i cant really think of anything but age of empires that fits checks all those marks. and my favorite age of empires, 3 strays further away from finite resources than the previous games. im positive im overlooking something though.

i would like to say warlords battlecry 3 but the way resources are gathered is very different. workers go in to mines and stay there, teleporting resources to your reserves. and i think thats a big deal.
fey all day by the way.

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my first hero was a Warrior Knight but I admit I do enjoy playing Merchant Fey because holy shit Illusion magic is op in its own right.

>I tried it after *reforged* came out
>it's fucking terrible
No wonder.

Warcraft 3 Reforged

Warcraft 2 or Dune 2000

Rise of Nations

The minute ActiBlizz remembered WC3 it was doomed, it's not even pointless negativity either they ruined everything, removed a lot from the base game + mods then proceeded to completely fuck the aesthetic of the game up by making it look like Clash of Clans meets Raid: Shadow Legends. This was pure, unadulterated, bastardization and what's more you can't even enjoy the old game unless you pirate versions that occasionaly bug out on Windows 10.

Battle Realms. It had soul and it's ill-timed release date resulting in Warcraft 3 shitting all over it gives it an underdog charm.

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Where can you even play WC3 custom maps anymore? I don't want to fucking buy Reforged

I miss it.

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I guess he means an RTS with base building where you need to micromanage small armies of units with activated abilities, cause that's what sets WC apart from most RTS games.

>WC3 custom maps
Oh wait, just in case it's not clear. I mean as in online play.


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And, OP, if you meant this , then none cause I suck at that shit.

DoW:Soulstorm was my favourite. The game where the Imperial Guard won in canon.

this was the shit