How do we make Grinding fun in video games?

How do we make Grinding fun in video games?

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big titties

high risk
low reward

Cater to Black Lives Matter

drip feed progress instead of big bursts of it all at once but still have something substantial to work towards that doesn't feel like it'll take forever

fun combat with enough options to express yourself, with good enemy design that allows for the same fight to go differently in many ways. basically make the act of grinding more fun than whatever it is i'm even grinding for

That's the long and short of it. It's hilarious how many games fail to do even that, and you watch people quit and ask them why and it's always that same reason.

bombard players with links to FBI crime statistics

Have some different kinds of enemies to grind on, some that offer various combat types that keep you guessing from time to time. Literally nothing worse than "kill 10 boars" and it's just whack whack whack

Depends on the person. Risk that someone will become satisfied with the drip and stop playing.

First understand zoomer psychology as they are the ones pushing video game genres forward. Boomers had their time, and now that is gone. Second, zoomers cant hold attention span for more than 5 seconds, so lots of shiny shit with zany wacky animations to hold their baby-like attention. Third, drip feed them mind-numbing, monotonous work that gives the illusion that they will be receiving a 1% upgrade to their character/account for completely whatever task it is they are doing, but make sure to incorporate that shiny zany wacky animation in that task in order to keep their attention.

Based retard.
These are my favorite shitposts.

n-no. not like that

Distractions and side missions in between the grind and simply shorten the grind altogether. Small details are surprisingly effective

Play graveyard Keeper

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Remove it.
Link weapon & armor stats to ingame currency upgrades.

Rewards are tied to how well you perform.

You need to build the game around it. The issues people have with grinding tend to come from poor game design. Poor damage scaling, poor exp distribution, making random battles uninteresting, etc. You need to find ways for the small dopamine rushes that levels give.

Pic related. Unironically a series that does it right. Main story is minimal grinding, post game is about finding the most optimal grinding and leveling characters and weapons alike. Higher levels give different skills, evilities, and better ranks for generics. You can make even the worst unit into a god with enough time. Some games give you different classes depending on which you level, like the first game. Yes it's mostly autism, but there's a reason you have people with hundreds of hours in the games.

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Monster Hunter before World

Make the raw game fun. If moving and shooty is fast and fluid and fun and the game isn't a chore or stingy with the rewards, then that's good.
When I was into warframe the grinding was fun because it was just fun movey shooty.

Came here to say this. If the gameplay is fun in and of itself, people will play it anyways.

Just play Path of Exile which is all about grinding and is fun :)