How do i find the will to keep playing this game?

How do i find the will to keep playing this game?

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Its shit, I don't remember if I bought it or got it for free. But, I regret it.

get into the lore?

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if you arent into this game by greenpath, it means that it isnt the kind of game for you. dont play it if you dont like it

Don't play gaems you don't enjoy.

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I'm 10 hours in so sunken costs and all that but i actually can't tell if i don't like the game or i'm just getting filtered

Just watch someone's playthrough and pretend you're playing it.

Naaa i don't like watching other people

I tried it after having it in the backlog for a few years and was bored out of my skull. I'll probably try it again another day but it didn't make a good impression.

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wrong, i stopped playing the game around greenpath but then went back to it months later and now it's in my top 5

Pay someone to shoot you if you don't keep playing

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How much you want?

My first playthrough I got brickwalled by the mantis lords and gave up. Came back a year later and started fresh and kept going til I was a Pantheon 5 champ.

If you're a dude 3.50
If you're a girl sex

I have the same thing, I think I like the idea of a Metroidvania, but I just can't keep myself with the game, I couldn't even finish Super Metroid, left it halfway through.

okay, here's the thing, if you have a problem at all with the map system or by the gods you use the compass then by all means it's a case of terminal filtering you can't possibly solve, just drop the game now and never bring your shit opinions about it to any other HK thread

>use compass, check map
>just check map
>wear compass, never look at map

I have no idea where to go though. I just go the mad crystal zoomer thing

Hollow Knight's a decent game but probably the most overrated metroidvania ever. The bosses are great but the actual exploration is pretty fucking boring and the movement mechanics don't really allow for much fun traversing the world.

this and all the salt and sanctuary complaints about it needing a map have convinced me zoomers are mentally ill, I mean most of them do exactly that in real life when they can't drive to the grocery story 3 blocks down the street without their GPS quest marker turned on

Don't play it, it's garbage. It was over-hyped because of its Hot Topic aesthetic and zoomers' lack of exposure to completed games.