Master Duel

Nice Meta.

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That guys a try hard faggot who spends all his time using the same core to all his decks

>No one has the idea to tech banishing cards or steal like anima and restrict

I did like to see the starving venom and doom king plays.

Based and viable.

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Nice gacha shit
Of course people will all be playing the same deck when they all google what's the best way to use their gems

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>those arms

>demoted to gold
>didn't get rookie to gold gem rewards
why are we supposed to grind to plat btw

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because it's a Bo1 so you're best off using stuff that hits a wide swath of decks. Of course every day the game goes on more people start picking up Eldlich so without some banlist shakeup you're just gonna see dorito mirrormatches.

Best mate

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>No one's complaining about no end of season rewards on Twitter
it's over bros. they're never going to fix it.


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Post Neos deck

Who the fuck runs restrict and is able to get to the higher ranks in platinum? In fact, how do you even build a deck that has restrict in it while accommodating for the 100000 other cards that can just kill it instantly.

this thread has been brought to you by doomking balderoch

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why are fluffles pedo tier?

Anyone got a budget recipe for tri-brigade lyrilusc?

BEWD should be in both retard and boomer and dragonmaids should also be in tranny.

I want to taste her milk duds desu

Character who plays them in the anime is a shota

What about Synchro

>Play some ranked
>Lose to a DM that had the perfect fucking hand to stop my plays
>Brick the next three games
Yugioh is such a fucked game sometimes

Gamer move is too wiggle your mouse to waste the entire timer against these decks. I'll sit there for 5 minutes to keep them out of more marches. They need to suffer.

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>tranny waifu shit retard
What are you user?

Also, where's tribrigade?

Wait a second, so you're telling me you get locked out of these gems. You get LESS gems if you rank higher in a season. Da fuck?

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Some anons pretend it doesn't exist because just thinking about bird lolis makes them break down in tears

Jesus he really needs to lift, look at the size of his head compared to trunk and arms lol

people who spent the last day to climb out of gold got cucked

Classic Konami move