NFT gaming is the future

NFT gaming is the future

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Enjoy losing your money then

Based SCHLORP-poster

I remember I sat a talk at my college six years ago about how great crypto was. He went on about things like “money that belongs only to you” and “can’t be traced by the government”. Fast forward six years later and now crypto is basically online casino chips taxed by the government. Next time someone tells me about some “next big thing” I’m just gonna chortle and go about my way.
tldr; i fucked OP’s mom

based schlop king

>NFT faggots are annoying and hogged all the gpus
>NFT haters never shut the fuck up about them and spend every second of the day seething

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for the rich and early adopters
you will get the breadcrums and you will be happy

Get a job

I never met an NFT enthusiast who seems like they have their shit together. The only ones profiting off this shit are the charismatic people shilling it to desperate losers, who in turn march out and soak up as many other desperate losers as they can.

How? How will nft's be good for gaming?

Attached: NFTbtfo'd.png (1175x892, 536.8K)

physical games are a scam as well. the only way to truly own a game is to pirate it.

Because I said so

there is no point in life without money, every action in life should be done focusing in making money and money only, every single breath spent should be calculated with money on the line.

>"because.... because.... BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OKAY!!!"

I genuinely despise that kind of mentality.

God I hate kikes so fucking much

A solar flare could still wipe out all your pirated games, so do you really own them?


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I don't know a single person who wants this.

ownership was never the question. pirates don't own anything but it's still far better than paying assloads of money for vintage price gouged game carts when emulation exists

>Genshin as a whole

hey retard look up monero. i use it to buy drugs weekly
feds eternally seething

Attached: jet set watamelonhead[].gif (600x450, 1.44M)

It's the only answer I ever see when it comes to this.

White hands made this image

A single person with the slightest sense of reality, that is.

or they'll tell you to google what a blockchain is. They have no answer, but heaps of confidence. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

Why not just make the actual games NFTs?
I'd be down for that.

>physical games post patching are a scam as well
Games that aren't full of patches especially day 1 patches are truly owned by you since servers don't mean shit. Any game with a patch even physical technically can't be owned by you as the best/fixed version of the game is locked to a server.

>Buying an hyperlink
If you do this you should be neutered.

Ownership is a social construct that doesn't exist. You don't even own your own physical body. I could take it from you right now by throwing you into a woodchipper head first. How can you tell me you own it?