Now that they've been exposed for viewbotting, what's next for g4?

Now that they've been exposed for viewbotting, what's next for g4?

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Let’s please be nice to Frosk, okay?

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That's a man.

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thequartering is a fag

What's up with Americans and identity politics? This goes for both sides of the spectrum. This "Frosk" or whatever the fuck her name is seems to be so far into identity politics that she's willing to torpedo the entire show (which I had never even heard of) to make a point most of her viewership doesn't even care about

They will attempt to false flag a new gamergate. Watch. I bet they name "hacker Any Forums" by name.

Identity politics is the national pastime of America.

I thought it was baseball.

That's a fairly cute horse. Seems unethical to tattoo one though.

It's common practice

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Well, I guess it's similar enough. Point taken.

Sports are just a venue for identity politics now.

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That youtube in general STILL hasn't been able to figure out that stupid spiel was a publicity stunt astounds me. I've never seen such an obviously scripted meltdown. If somebody actually had a freakout and started slandering the audience out of the blue, the co-hosts wouldn't be shouting "woohoo, preach, sister," they'd be scrambling to minimize, deflect, calm the woman down and get her off the set. At the very least, they'd look uncomfortable. The entire rant was a bit and the most annoying thing about it is that it worked. G4 went from nobody knowing it existed to everybody on youtube yapping about it constantly.

They bought the Quartering


>neck/face tats
>short hair
>septum ring

This is pretty much the uninform of "borderlines". Why would anyone hire these freaks?

>source: quarterPounder

jej user


You underestimate how much cultural marxism has brainwashed these people. It's an automatic pavlovian response for cucked liberals to respond that way.


I said don’t be mean to her

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