You can't keep them all, which row are you willing to sacrifice Any Forums?

You can't keep them all, which row are you willing to sacrifice Any Forums?

Attached: fZAWWI3.png (1012x740, 1.7M)

Row is horizontal
Column is vertical
Just in case zoomers don't know

you can remove all Nintendo games and the entire industry would be in a much better state than it is today. Sorry Soul Calibur, send ocarina, maring 64 into the sun.

Look Metroid Prime, DKC2, and SOTN are some of my favorite games ever made, but I'm willing to sacrifice them just so Xenoshits never exists.

Attached: 1643510068849.png (646x669, 358.61K)

The 3rd row easily.

Bottom Row easily.
>Shadow of the Reddit
>Reddit Ex
>Reddit's Mask
>Reddit Gear Solid 3
>Reddit Souls
Chrono Cross and SMW is a shame and if I could I'd put Reddit Gear Solid 2 in one of their places

Snoy idiot

I’m not willing to sacrifice any row. Why would I be?

Is calling something Reddit the only insult you know? Stop obsessing over that shithole and articulate a coherent thought.

There’s a gun to your head

I sacrifice top two rows and save gaming. Bottom row gets a pass because of Deus Ex.

>Ocarina of Time, Panzer Dragoon RPG, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, Mega Man X, RE4 & FF6
Top is easily the best, bottom is probably the worst overall. SoulCalibur & Deus Ex are masterpieces but the other rows have superior titles in the same series and Ico is just as good as SOTC


nintendo cocksucker, nintendo games are shit. Sega, namco, taito, sony, square, success, konami, capcom are all better. Fuck Nintendo, niggers of gaming.

3rd row has the worst games overall

Wow that's really fucking petty dude I'd do the same honestly but swap Xenoshit for Megaman Legends

First row. Love bing bing wahoo 64 and Majora's Mask too much.

Top row easily, I'm not about to go without Metroid Prime, SOVLCALIBUR, Perfect Dark and Castlevania

Bye bye, Dark Souls. Zoomer would be better without you.

Swap OoT for LttP and Chrono Cross for SotN then remove the middle row.


Redpill me on Perfect Dark, what makes it one of your favorites over the other games here?

The enemy AI really makes it a classic

Literally never been a notable Nintendo game, so erase all those. The rest is Reddit, so erase those too

Man Snoys have been really vocal today, what happened?

Bye bye first row.