What kind of video games will Gen Alpha be into?

What kind of video games will Gen Alpha be into?

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They don't exist lmao
Good thing too, I fucking hate crying babies in the subway

fortnite 2

Inshallah they won't be into any video games.

>Generation Alpha
>Decision maker
lol said the millennial
lmao said the zoomer

>we can accurately describe what kind of person 12 year olds are
Retarded. Also the fuck does decision maker mean anyways?

On the fucking floor over how Gen Z looks exactly like Scott

God i hate this artstyle

the oldest gen alpa is 12 years old

shitty ass gacha phone games

>Assuming the pink haired cunt is going to give birth instead of "ree ree gender roles reeeeeeeee"

What's the whole point of these descriptions if they're so vague?
>confident can be applied to competitive for thinking you're skilled, decision-maker for thinking you're a good leader
>competitive and decision-maker for team play or meta gaming
This is some fucking horoscopes shit.

they will play this new one called
>paying off student loans while spending 70% of your wage on rent and food already for 2 decades straight

Millenials are not confident and zoomers hate competition but only indulge in it because they're corralled into it from all aspects of their life.

Because the entire generation summary shit is literally horoscope crap. Its impossible take a massive population and assign like two characteristics to it other than "Human, Alive."

they make hard daily decisions about whether to fill the tonka truck with red or blue blocks

it must be a joke because zoomers are not competitive at all and millenials sure as hell arent confident

>gen alpha will grow up with the avengers and fortnight as their cultural "base"
The world is bleak

Well at least they have an excuse for taking that long to pay it off. Meanwhile other generations are more
>Paying off studen loans while making minimum payments because they don't have their priorities in order even if given every opportunity


same generation glued to a screen consuming third world garbage videos since they came out of the womb
dark times ahead

Gacha and pay to earn games.

maybe when they grow up they will learn to appreciate fine art more due to a lack of previous contact to it i.e trendy kids liking korean culture now due to lack of previous korean interaction.

it's easy to be confident when you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are

im not sure too sure sub 90 iq retards would appreciate staring at some painting from 300 years ago

no they won't. They'll have the same relationship to it as Zoomers have to rock'n'roll, i.e. "this is what our parents like therefore it is uncool"

>Gen Z
How when they’re the most entitled, spoonfed, and give up immediately lol

zoomers are the opposite of competitive lmao. Have you not noticed the culture change all over the internet where people, especially young people, are tripping over themselves not to explicitly disagree with other people or seem confrontational in any way. The phrase "but everyone has a right to their opinion, I'm not saying anyone is wrong" keeps popping up everywhere and I want to pop every motherfucker who uses it in the dome with a glock.

you only notice what you look for and you only look for what you want to be true

personally i don't care either way, just think about it

That's the most retarded fucking comment I've seen on this board in a week.