Post games you wouldn't touch with ten foot long pole

post games you wouldn't touch with ten foot long pole

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Any nintendo game
I'm afraid it'll turn me into a thin wristed faggot

care to say why? It's been on my radar for a while and all I hear are good things.


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dead by daylight

Hunt Showdown seems like the only acceptable form of battle royale ive seen yet. Unfortunately the way sweaty nerds with 5000 hours in the gam play it looks incredibly unfun and I kind of hope I dont ever reach that level

I'm just not into playing hard or rewarding games

>500 dlcs
>br/tarkov shit

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>Progression in a "competitive" game

i did touch it and regret it

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This Genre was a mistake. Only autismos enjoy this filth

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couple of friends of mine play this and I can totally see why since it's exactly the sort of game they've wanted to play for a long time

That's a game?

its a got long history of heavy downgrades
sure, if you join now youll get a somewhat janky game with dated graphics but if you knew the past its a big fuck you from crytek

thanks consoleniggers

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people suck at it and get filtered

all mobas

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this game could've been my goty 2021 if it wasn't for Deep Rock Galactic

It's a great game but you need friends to play it with, solo gets old quick and matchmade randoms are universally shitters