Is it even possible for them to come back

Is it even possible for them to come back

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What the fuck

theyd have to pull a sean murray

Slowly but sure. The real question is if they can do it without kneeling to China, Blackrock, SJWs, and so on

you think a stock price determines how good games are and are going to be?
fucking moron

How did their stock get so high over 1 single player game? Even ignoring how good or bad Cyberpunk ended up being, single player games don't make nearly enough money as multiplayer games. People who were buying the shares must have known that after a few months sales would start to drop and the company wouldn't be making as much money again.

the good old days - right before cybrepunk's release

How can it ever go back to the group of people that made the games you loved?

They thought it would be like GTA

Maybe if they fire all the useless hires and start over making medium budget games that are actually decent

is cyperpunk good if i want futuristic GTA without western pandering

they lied to everyone in the world about the quality of their game, or believed it themselves

the game was painted as the next GTA, a subversive AAA experience that would be elevated above the lackluster AAA release deluge we've seen by companies such as EA, Ubisoft, and Bethesda

instead, the game was exactly one of those games; a mediocre action RPG open-world movie-game. The problem that drove it into company-killer territory was that the game was very much unfinished on release, and straight up didn't work for the home consoles it had been advertised as optimized for. The combination of its total failure to live up to expectations, its nature as another in a long line of similar mediocre products, and the brokenness of its release killed all goodwill the company had bought up and created a great deal of bad will.

short version is don't be pretentious AND greedy in the same breath, especially not when your entire existence is founded on consumer goodwill

Did you guys get bored of saying United Nations and World Economic Forum so you say Blackrock now
Do you even know what they do?


>Do you even know what they do?
Fund videogames, with special incentives if my put LGBT stuff in them.

What a great value stock - a 15 P/E ratio is tiny for the value of their company. Comparably, T2 has ~32 P/E and EA 48 P/E ratio.

It'll rebound as long as they can drive revenue - they should be able to. They succumbed to a very unfortunate storm of conditions in the run up to the CP2077 release that likely won't be present in the future for their next big game releases.

>futuristic GTA
it's unironically worse than GTA4 in many ways
>without western pandering
the game has this in spades

>sidenote: the game also had one of, if not the single biggest marketing budget of any single player game ever

>tortanic faggots can actually kill games by bitching about things that were never promised
So, this is how gaming dies, huh

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Yeah, they kike the housing market so hard that they became impossible to deal with

mate, they are still up 150% since 2015
market self corrected them from the expectations, company is more than fine
They didn't expand as much as they could've(as far as I know only money from profits were used for development and side studios), no assets were lost, no need to downsize.

>the game was painted as the next GTA
Only retards saw this. The trailers were so fucking scripted that it meant it meant that this was an RPG and not some open world car jacking simulator. Only retards have themselves to blame, especially anyone who pre-ordered for PS4 and Xbone. Also I didnt buy Cyberpunk.

EA or Ubisoft will buy them for the Witcher IP and that will be the end of it.

>pirate the game in the January 2021
>like it a lot, even though it's obviously unfinished, and needs a lot more work
>"after this disaster of the launch, CDPR will surely WORK THEIR ASSES OFF to fix the game and restore their reputation"
>buy the game
>mfw it's 2022 and they actually didn't fix shit

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What were they at before Cyberpunk was announced? Feels like it's probably just returning to normal. $10 is a pretty good share price for a company that makes 1 video game every 6 years.
>tfw only retarded speculators lost out by buying stock thinking it'd be a golden ticket

Tencent should buy them.

I did and enjoyed it quite a bit. It was TW3 in future and still is the most unique game on the market. Not a single game like 77 out right now.

bug were fixed, they didn't add anything and that's another story

we live in clown world so yes

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