I've tried to fix Tidus's design. Does it look better?

Attached: Tidus Redesign.png (1920x1200, 931.53K)


Attached: 1287377862140.jpg (215x225, 6.92K)

Original design
>immediately recognizable
>classic high fantasy look

Your design
>two toned
>modern 'isekai' look

Try again.

>Fixing his design

There wasn't a need, his outfit is kinda out there but most of the characters in X were like that, assymetrical, but it was something that fit them. And why the huge sword pommel that looks like a keyblade?

>Fucking around with Brotherhood

Attached: 1583783336306.gif (498x356, 778.24K)

No, kill yourself

you ruined him

Just use this

Attached: FFX-2_Artwork_Shuyin.png (487x1092, 417.04K)

kill yourself

>immediately recognizable

Yeah for being one of the most retarded looking character designs in JRPG history and one of the worst Nomura designs ever.


Fucking KEK You may actually be the first person in the history of the internet who said those words about Tidus's design

you clearly know nothing about character design. tidus's silhouette on the left is recognizable. his silhouette on the right is generic.

isn't his shoulderpad actually sports equipment for blitzball? Why would you remove the one practical part of his design?

>Any Forums is literally the only place on the internet with people actually defending Tidus's design

It speaks layers about the current state of this website.

OP just face the fact that your """"""""fix"""""" is shit and you should kill yourself.

Whyd you shrink the arm he doesnt use to masturbate? The right looks like shit so its basically impossible to choose it.

Wow, this is worse. I agree with the idea that the design needs to be simplified a bit but this is poorly executed (not the art but the design itself).


While Tidus is shit you managed to make it the blandest you possibly could.
You just made him some twink in a hoodie rather than keeping any interesting flourishes but just simplfying from there.

>nomura hating retard is a massive retard with no talent

>OP just face the fact
>you should kill yourself

Thanks for proving my point about this website and the demography of people that use it.


you just turned him into yellow sora