Why is it such a common meme to quit old fallout because of the mechanics...

Why is it such a common meme to quit old fallout because of the mechanics? Anyone with a white level of intelligence would have understand it fully within 5 minutes

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It's ragequit for me. imagine clutching from this fight to the next with tons of backtracking. The redeeming quality is the Bloody mess perk. Also the lost of companions ;(

The most frustrating thing is that you don't know where to go and if you go the wrong way you die.
Gothic 2, for example, also had punishment for exploring areas you are not supposed fo explore yet, but you had clear understanding where you are supposed to be.

because the combat is repetitive, RNG based, unbalanced as fuck and unenjoyable in general, the gore is cool but that's about it

The mechanics are easy to understand, they just suck

also timed mechanic of Fallout 1 and the Shaman's dream of Fallout 2 forced you to hurry your ass up and miss the game content.

I loved FO1 but I did have a spat with FO2. The early game is far less open which heavily penalises certain builds. FO1 doesn't have this problem - and no I'm not talking about the temple.
But while that's approachable it does somewhat characterise the issue.

I did everything I could find in FO1 on my first playthrough and never wanted for time

I don't think people don't understand it i think its just because its clunky and people aren't really used to that anymore.

>enemy rolls 100

Attached: Best armor in the game vs. critical roll.webm (853x480, 2.31M)

I like the games, but I never liked how combat works. The action points feels too slow and restrictive. I dont see why it cant just work like a normal other RRG game like Baldurs Gate where they just keep attacking automatically

The problem is that the combat is genuinely awful. Everything else is fine.

>go into fight with 3 mutants with 37 HP
>don't bother healing
>don't bother using drugs
>don't bother setting traps
>don't bother using the easy as fuck nonlethal method for the final dungeon
>get mad when they beat you
I hate casuals so much it's unreal

Attached: 1607386276221.gif (500x383, 484.65K)

You can extend the time limit to have like three times as many days you FAGGOT. You buy water from the caravan in Hub and have them deliver to Vault 13. FAGGOT. Fucking FAGGOT.

Is this the most FAGGOT complaint ever?

The time limit is pretty generous for Fallout 1, and it’s nice to give a sense of real urgency to the plot when so many rpgs let you put saving the world on hold forever with zero consequence

Entire point of the webm is to show a critical roll. Even the most seasoned of players would occasionally experience it

>leave vault
>*static bleepbloop music playing*
>*camera noise* BLEEP
>rat attacks you for 50 hp
>u die

I quit right there

Attached: Fallout 1 gameplay.webm (853x480, 1.73M)

I played it a few months back, f1.
Writing was too basic, game was too jank. Played to about halfway into the game before I realized it just wasn't that interesting or worth it after it glitched a quest for me by disappearing an NPC. You move way too slow, cities have too few NPCs, combat is too basic.

The game is just overall not very good. The only reason it's praised is because it's one of the originals and that counts for something. These days, CRPGs are 10x as complex gameplay-wise, have better stories (sometimes), look better and have much less jank.

You want an old game that actually has a ton of gameplay, complexity and an interesting setting? Play Jagged Alliance 2, still hasn't been topped to this fucking day. Only issue is that it's very jank, but it's absolutely worth playing. I would say F1 and 2 aren't. They genuinely just aren't very good games.

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it got filtered harder than I ever had before. yeah you can save almost anywhere because it’s a PC game but if you’re playing FO1 blind: you are going to get BUTT-FUCKED by the wasteland. I’d still be willing to try again someday though.

I went through and killed every rat in there my first playthrough.

Then i moved half a square across the map before *BREEERRRR* :::8 radscorpions hit you for a billion ur ded:::

It's boring. Environments are extremely copy paste, every build is the same except for whether you go melee or ranged. The writing isn't even that good.
The only thing good about it is the universe it's in but the game itself is actually zero fun. Practically a walking simulator.

>start playing fallout 2
>make charisma build
>legitimately no way to beat the tutorial dungeon

Its a no from me dog.

>it got filtered
hate autocorrect

>it filtered millions of unwashed casuals

Attached: casual filter.jpg (300x168, 7.51K)

>Why is it such a common meme to quit old fallout because of the mechanics? Anyone with a white level of intelligence would have understand it fully within 5 minutes

Attached: Chud16.png (205x245, 6.43K)

It's not difficult but the design is genuinely awful.

Uhhh is this your first WRPG? 90% of skills in WRPGs are worthless and you have to look up which ones are good and it usually ends up being like only 3 of them which you pump until you're overpowered.
Somehow all of the other skills are not only mediocre, they're straight up worthless or bugged.
These games are fun.

One of the best examples of dogshit games being praised only by blind nostalgia. Fallout 1 and 2 are legitimately some of the worst rpgs ever made.

Why didn't you use the cocaine bags?

Alright enough shitposting

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people that aren't fucking retards WOULDN'T DIE FROM IT is his point, user.