Why are we supposed to see him as the bad guy? Because he used child soldiers...

Why are we supposed to see him as the bad guy? Because he used child soldiers? Because he said the strong should take from the weak? So fucking what? Sometimes sacrifices need to be made and his point about the weak is completely valid, a good country needs no weak people.
Everything else he said was right and most people agree, they just get pissy about these points and pretend like they somehow shows that he's "just a crazy hypocritical villain" when they really don't.
Armstrong was 100% the good guy.

Attached: Armstrong-profile-shot-0.png (867x766, 563.08K)

he put kids in jars and hooked them on vrchat

>your brain on ancap

>play Rising in 2013
>hated it. Thought it was garbage because it was nothing like traditional MGS
>realize all these years later how dangerously redpilled it is and that I was wrong

Doing evil things for the sake of greater good does not make them any less bad

Making the mother of all omelets here, Jack. Can't fret over every egg.

Armstrong's supposed to be a neocon who wants more wars because it makes him money and uses populist rhetoric as a cover.
Platinum modeled him after DIck Cheney.

You only think that because you think yourself to be strong. But in fact you would be considered weak in Armstrong's point of view and thus trampled over.

Because you play as Raiden and not as him??? Retard

I can almost see the events leading up to Armstrong wanting to turn America into an anarchist hellhole.
>Uh, sir, we can't extract the brains of kids we "didn't kidnap", and brainwash them into becoming a soldier of cyborgs who do nothing but kill
>What? Why the hell not?
>Well as a start, it violates about a dozen and a half laws
>Armstrong turns on the TV and see he ranks bottom 5 of most attractive US Senators

Attached: 1605761262302.png (320x371, 260.1K)

bro i can bench 240lbs. i'm not getting trampled over by anyone.

You're getting trampled over cyborgs and machines if you aren't shot or hacked into bits first.

is this the only metal gear antagonist to actually have a back and forth conversation with the protag

What the fuck does "freedom" have to do with using child soldiers?

Jack was a crybaby still trying to protect the weak. Thankfully he wakes up after Armstrong dies.

Attached: 1641775848820.jpg (690x920, 68.01K)

freedom aint free or something

Libertarian mindset. "Bury the weak and let nature take its course."

A lot of the people who seem to agree with him would also be considered weak and get buried desu.

That's 40lb lower than my normal 5x5, not even looking at ORMs

For the same reason the Sith are the bad guys. Killing your master doesn't make you stronger when you have no standards and thus resort to underhanded methods. It's the same reason communist and fascist countries inevitably fail. They spend too many resources backstabbing each other or defending from being backstabbed that "progress" grinds to a halt.

he's baisically replacing a "strong take from the weak but pretend they don't and therefore have at least some restraint" with "strong unapologetically take from the weak".

He's a two faced retard who only says what he thinks will get people on his side, then goes scorched earth when he doesn't get his way. He double speaks and shifts his own position multiple times in the encounter when he can't fool Jack.
Armstrong is a peak liberal warmonger who has no intent on helping anyone but himself while accusing everyone else of doing what he himself is orchestrating.

>He double speaks and shifts his own position multiple times in the encounter
He doesn't though.

but they do make you a marginally better person. compare stalin and hitler. latter is widely considered to be the single most evil man in the world because his actions were irredeemable, former is still considered evil as fuck but as his actions were dictated moreso by the situation and attempting to salvage a high card hand given to him, he's usually given more of a pass. toss four cards away and keep the ace, at worst you still got high ace.