What's next for them?

What's next for them?

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Crashing this plane

Lol whatever happened to them

I assume they just closed up shop after cyberpunk

The redemption arc.

Acquired by Microsoft.

Maybe they’ll hire some creatives who can actually measure up to their job and perform


No game studio has ever recovered from a blunder as big as cyberjunk.

Online update.

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I bought it on launch and it was fucked then. Gave them a second chance and the same bugs are still there. Audio gone or dsynced. NPcs missing held items. Texture glitches. The fuck have have they been doing the last year?


nice joke


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Probably try and salvage their reputation with another big budget game and try to make some money on gog for once
Or get purchased by Microsoft

It would never happen but I would like to see another 20 hr or so expansion for Witcher 3. Not realistic though as everyone with talent clearly left long ago.

Release Witcher 4 to curry goodwill, then business as usual

If they were smart they would have bailed on Cyberpunk immediately and reinvested all those hundred of millions they scammed out the HYPE retards into buying their old staff back (the ones with actual talent) to try and get a Witcher 4 done. Even if CP was fixes it's still a shit game and no one wants to play it anyway. It's just not even remotely interesting.

They'll bring back Geralt for Witcher 4 despite saying that 3 would be his send-off. It will suck and ruin W3 Blood & Wine's ending.

Continued humiliation. Poles love to be subservient to Jews and Americans, so they will continue hiring women, homosexuals and transsexuals and continue developing horrible games, leading to a steady and humiliation decline into irrelevance.

Elric game.

They could just make it a prequel. Dude's over a hundred years old already.


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Even more shit coded games because they hire based on quotas instead of quality

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what does this even mean

Sadly this. I got pretty deep into this trash fire and it was meh at best.