I don't have enough time for video games anymore how do I fix this

I don't have enough time for video games anymore how do I fix this

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Invisiblity. You can steal as much money as you need, hear what people say in private which is the next best thing to mind reading, and play games as much as you want.

>be rich
>now you have time to game AND money

For me? It's the green pill.

You can't man. Take what time you get and use it appropriately. Also try to play shit that's easily broken up like fire emblem

Mind reading is busted. I'd take it only if it was a toggle though.

Be rich, then you don’t have to work and can just go to the Gym everyday and fuck bar sluts. Being a poor schizo is miserable, I’ve made some bad life choices

These kinds of pictures always evoke such childlike feelings of joy and curiosity for me but then I'm instantly put in a bad mood when I realize that fun super powers will never be real.

>Endless time for gaming.
Does that imply that time freezes while I game? If so that's literally god tier.

Except you'll still die. Endless time to play games would imply immortality if you want.

Be rich, dumbass

>blue pill is the red pill but far worse
wait a second...

>and fuck bar sluts
Gets boring very quickly.
t. Techno DJ for 5 years now

>endless time for gaming
what do you mean by "endless"?
as in time stops when I'm gaming?
does it work for all games or just video games?
am I functionally immortal if I'm always playing games?
is it based on a standard definition of game or what I perceive to be a game?

I don't really want any of those give me immense physical strength because at the end of the day, that's all that really matters

Get rich by reading minds. Once you're rich you have endless time for gaming.

Low IQ being invisible means you can invisibly play games all day long too. More so than what money can buy.

So I'm immortal as long as I play games? Sweet, just gonna idle in some clicker.

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>endless time for gaming
You could run an idle game while doing something else, thus gaining infinite time for anything.

Whose mind are you reading to get rich.

I just take all.



I'd just run away and hop on planes, exploring everywhere, stealing what I need. Totally won't use it to spy on women haha


>forced to play video games for all eternity or else you die once your natural lifespan is over

red is best. yellow found be pretty fun for robbing stores and shit like that

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Endless time for gaming means I basically get a time stop ability whenever I hold a 3DS right?

How are you gonna get close to him, let alone get him to think about anything worthwhile, seems like a half baked idea.

If you can read minds you can easily be rich though.

Read minds for sure.

>be rich
>never have to work again
>endless time to play vidya

People think is super abstract though user. You will think everyone hates you/everything and are horrible pedo genocidal murderers. It would drive you mad.

Red is just a better version of blue.

I think out of all of these mind reading would be the most useless, aside from endless time gaming

This. If you have hulk level strength, you don't even need money you just take anything you want. You also dont need invisibility because nothing can hurt you and no need to read minds, because nothing anyone else is thinking matters because it has no effect on you.

>be invisible
>play games all day
>die of starvation because youre still poor
It was you who was the retard all along my friend.

Mind reading would be fun, especially if I can fully enter the person's conscious (e.g. if Chad is fucking some hot girl I can see what Chad sees and jack off to it)

>Be Rich
Who cares, if I cared to work hard enough to I could be anyway
>Read Minds
I'd probably kill myself knowing the things people close to me think of me
Much like reading minds, this doesn't specify if it's at will. Either way, that's too much of a life changer
>Endless time for gaming
Literally the only thing I've wanted my whole life

You could quite easily start up some sort of "I will legitimately read your mind" business on social media. Word will get around that you're the real deal and people will come flocking in.

super strength is not the same as super durability.

You are fucked if you get poisoned, gassed etc

Damn how will an invisible man get food without working for it?

>I think out of all of these mind reading would be the most useless

>take up poker
>win every championship
>become rich
>also become famous

Go play poker.

>talk to friends and family
>you hear that they only talk to you because they feel bad for you

I would have choen read minds but due to my psychosis I already can. So I guess I'll go for endless time for gaming.

Why people will pay for you to read their own minds? At best you could get a government job reading minds of criminals and shit.

user you're invisible. Shops don't have fucking heat sensors.

You'd get caught cheating instantly.

Read the minds of CEOs so you know when to buy and sell stocks

>play poker, win everytime, people get mad and shot you dead

This. I don’t want to read minds only to find out everyone around me is thinking what a fat retard I am

Tbh if your goal was a job. Just walk into the CIA office and read their minds until they offer you a position.
You still get the secrecy of your own identity, and you get a cushy gov job you would easily be one of the strongest tools at the governments disposal

immense physical strenght does not result in being as durable as the hulk, and even the hulk goes down when people gang up on him, not to mention when you simply take what you want everyone WILL gang up on you.

Yeah seems like the perfect deal to me. You can basically stop time by starting to play video games and once you are personally ready to die, you can just live the rest of your life and die or just kill yourself. You could even exploit it by playing some mindless games on your phone while doing other things if you need more time for something. Time is our most precious resource after all.

Based insanity user!

Getting rich, reading minds, endless Vidya or invisibility are sure to help me in that department!

you arent cheating though. its not your fault your opponents cant stop thinking about their hand.

this isnt the movies. casinos just throw you out.

>caught cheating
There is no way anyone would be able to catch you doing something that is considered impossible.
>shoot you dead
I'm not playing in the fucking projects, go to any proper casino and just rake in the money.