I hate meleefags so god damn much

This game released and it had great reviews and everyone I know loved it. Now it's considered "the worst game" because Meleefaggots refused to move on and memed this game into being bad. I HATE THEM

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You're right, but you just need to ignore them and their buggy mess of a game. Much like shitposters, they thrive on attention.

It's because there's not much to love about it. its defenders only pretended it was good because it was the new one. Same reason why Smash 4 went from TOTALLY THE BEST ONE GUYS to completely forgotten by the time Ultimate came out. Melee's staying power is a testament to its quality. Brawl being considered the worst once the shine came off of it shows it was indeed crap.

> there's not much to love about it.
Take a god damn shower.

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because it was the first one in 6 years with 3rd party characters. Now once you remove it from that context and look at the game itself, it's easily the worst smash.

For me it's Melee>Brawl>Ultimate>64>4

Ignoring them is what tarnished Brawl's reputation in the first place. I propose all brawlfags of Any Forums assemble in this thread to come up with ideas for a campaign that restores this game's status in the smash community.
Stinkies have been allowed to reign free for far too long.

agreed, but will state that 64 atleast plays unique compared to the others and the 3 after Melee play so so samey with minor differences that there is no reason to comeback to a game like 4 unless you wanna play smash run or something

I can just keep modding Brawl and I have no reason to get Ultimate,

Maybe because 4 and ultimate are improvements, while smellee fags are autists obsessed with a 20 year old game. Nintendo could literally release melee 2 yet, you would still play melee out of a misplaced sense of loyalty

brawl is objectively better than smash 4. Meleefags did in fact ruin Brawl. They let their own game die when smash 4 came out for basically no reason. In part because nintendo extended the smallest of olive branches and the melee autists disappated. Thus, Nintendo demonstrated their ability to negotiate away even the faggiest of fanbases.

Stop being fragile pussy faggots, for one

Watching smashcon brawl grand finals with the entire chat full of autists still whining about project m and the melee documentary 7 years later is not a good look for the game and its community, just saying

>I propose all brawlfags of Any Forums assemble in this thread to come up with ideas for a campaign that restores this game's status in the smash community.
Smash is dead in general. Let it stay dead.

Vanilla Brawl is a 6/10 not even a compedo but the sluggish gameplay is shit and the game modes went to shit, SSE was a great idea but had meh executions, great music and thematics, anyone that hates Brawl's art style is a fag that shill nuSmash, is distinct and gives Brawl is own flavor

however modded Brawl makes Brawl a 10/10 with the better platforming physics , alt costumes, unlimited stages and Metroid can crawl

Quick question.
Why aren't there threads telling people to move on from this game too?

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>Outdated, buggy game infested with autists clinging to their childhood refuse to acknowledge better alternatives
Nobody except self-absorbed TF2fags actually still defends this game or valve at this point lol

For me it's
4 literally has no soul. Nothing unique that would make you come back now that ultimate is out.

well it's more fun to play, for one.

Yeah, why aren't they playing TF5

Brawl was abandoned as soon as Smash 4 came out. You say it's all about Melee fans trashing it. yet Brawl's playerbase went running into the arms of Smash 4. Because Brawl was never popular because of its gameplay. It was only played/liked because it was new.

the true zoomer

Are you kidding me dude every tf2 thread starts with at least 5 "move on" posts lol

Because there's nothing to move on to? It never got a sequel, and the people that could make an actually GOOD sequel are no longer at Valve.

The friends who played Smash with me since childhood didn't like it. I had unlocked all the characters, and Invited my friends over. They all agreed the game was too floaty and slow. The game felt like you were on the moon. Brawl is just as unpolished and has even more issues with balance than melee.

It's not a fun game. It has a great roster though, minus cutting Roy and Mewtwo.

Fortress Forever is unironically way more fun than actual tf2

>Likes 64 second best
Sure buddy

Brawl's objectively less fun to play than Smash 4. Who cares about all the gay extra modes.

what's with the brawlbabbies lately

It also had 0 people play it in the past two hours

Melee Any Forumseekend thread?

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