I can't even see these two as the same character

I can't even see these two as the same character.

Attached: NewvsOldKratos.jpg (700x632, 322.36K)

Why not?

Cos one has a beard.

This is what happens you switch from meat to vegan.

Probably because the cheekbones are different, lip color is more ashy and the tattoo on the new one is smaller

They're not the same character.

>Op doesnt have an imagination

You poor soul. Enjoy those lonely nights with an empty head just before you fall asleep.


peak reddit post


thats what my daughter says when i shave

I honestly loved the newest one, though i prefer the old games. In both gameplay and story.
The newest one felt like a pretty solid foundation to build on their new storyline, just flawed, but holy shit that trailer for the upcoming game absolutely murdered my interest in it. I can't even tell exactly why either. It definitely showed WAY too much for one thing.

Anyone else here get that feeling?

Attached: 1400153092786.png (666x666, 369.83K)


Ignoring the soi memery he definitely seems 'conservative' in a way that's kind of weird following from old kratos, like the way he speaks of his life as a disciplined soldier, feels like they leaned more into the spartan aspect than was ever intended by the old games just using spartan because "SPARTAN WARRIOR" was culturally recognizable.

Why they revealed Tyr is beyond me. Unless he turns heel.

I have very fond memories of playing through the entirety of GoW 2 on a little crt and ps2 slim that I snuck in during a third shift security gig back in the day

Yeah, that is literally the only way that would make any kind of sense. But then that would be almost too obvious, so maybe they WON'T do that, and then we're back at the start. It's such a baffling thing to reveal in a trailer when they spent the whole last game building him up.

vegan doesnt boost T level and T is needed for hair growth, how come he have thick beard when switching to vegan?

BOY, wash under your foreskin!!!

Is there a mod that trims the s o y beard?

Because they changed his facial structure and tattoo. I guess you could argue he got old but it's still weird.

Attached: Untitled100_20220130091537.png (700x632, 775.16K)

Reminder that So y Kratos is a 6'4" manlet while Chad Kratos is 7'6"

Attached: 0ys5m78ulbn71.jpg (1242x1242, 227.15K)

Beared Kratos ruined an entire generation of men.
Now fat fuck so y boys with Le Epic Beards think they're badass.

they made him white, nothing wrong with that

I can vaguely buy Kratos after 3 settling himself down into 'restrained rage through an awkward self-control', but I just wish we kinda... Saw that happen? Seeing Kratos at the end of 3 he's a desperate man who's broken everything and can't even die right, trying to end his own life and failing. In 4 he's a stern, gruff, but restrained and reserved father. Hell, seeing Kratos as a father in the original games, we see he was actually a pretty forthright and loving father to Calliope, whereas with Atreus he holds himself back for fear of Atreus ending up like he did. I don't mind these changes, but I feel like I was cheated out of the transformation arc. He's just this guy now, deal with it.

>still weird.

Retards still say shit like this, yet they are playing a fictional god in a Video Games made of imaginary polygons. Explain what ''weird'' means in context to this shit

Attached: 564.png (512x468, 163.01K)

Left looks Arabic while the right is jewish

I know.

Reboot Kratos feels like a different character