How do we fix it

How do we fix it

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Who cares
Stop playing shit games

remove Boon: Circle of Healing from the game

You can't fix some things, user. I'm sorry.

Uninstall it

being designed with the idea survivors can't communicate when friends can just use an external program to chat makes the game fundamentally bad

It's so sad to see what this game has become. It was fun and stressful during the closed alpha, then it all went downhill with boons and making it "fair" for the survivors

how do you even balance a 4v1?

Being a new survivor dealing with an efficient killer isn't fun. Perkless killers shouldn't so much power over perkless survivors. But dealing with strong survivors with strong perks, strong game sense, and strong items is also not fun for the killer. You can say Boon totems are OP, but nerfing them would hurt new survivors that struggle with chases.

Boon: Restoration
-survivors can repair pallets and walls that have been broken. Vaults cannot be broken the entity.

Boon: Field Of Ruin
-tall grass grows around the blessed totem. Survivor's grunts of pain and breathing are suppressed.

Boon: Mystic Forge
-items regain usage within the totem range
-failed skillchecks while using an item do not cause a loud noise notification
-sabotaging a hook does not cause a loud noise notification

Survivor Perk: Mercy Kill
-When a survivor reaches the dying state after they have reached the struggling phrase you can kill them, significantly increasing your generator repair speed and opening gate speed. The auras of the exit gates and hatch are revealed to you for a few seconds once the exit gates are powered. You become the obsession. Can only be performed once per trial.

What do you want to be fixed? There's lots of shit to fix

I would say 2 main things would need to happen either of which is extremely unlikey.
First they need to go over nearly every perk in the game and bring them closer toghter in power this is especially important for survivors as they only have like 10 viable perks.
Secondly they need to rebalnce every map. Right now no matter how good you are sometimes the map just spawns in a way that you arent gonna win.
Theres other shit that would be nice to address but I would say the above 2 create 85% of the issues people have with the game or lead to them.

I don't like how RNG on some maps can fuck you over as killer or survivor. Sometimes totems are really hidden. Sometimes killer shack is right next to a bunch L/T walls.

>Remove ranking as the game is RNG hell
>Remove perk tiers
>3x BP permanently to lower grind
>SWF is opt in and killer gets bonuses for playing against them/solo is buffed to SWF levels and killers buffed to accommodate
>Spend a year reworking killers and the games code
>Add more objectives for both sides
Never gonna happen though. The game has a huge casual player base that buy anything the devs add. It's time to move on.

I really want them to delete library in RPD, or at least place some god dawn hooks there.

the library does have a hook. it just has a rare chance of spawning :)

killertroons seething as always kek

The biggest issue I see is survivors have to run their meta perks, because if they're against a good killer, it's the only lifeline they have. Killers have to run their meta perks, because against a good survivor squad, it's the only thing extending the game enough to try and get a kill. Neither side knows what they're going against, so they have to play presuming they're up against a good opponent. New survivors get a veteran killer who removes them in 30 seconds, New killers wind up against good survivors who bully them until they're bored. Which means New player experience is being massively dragged down by high level play. The solution is easy, show account levels for everyone. Rank doesn't matter since everyone is the same after a reset, and mmr is a joke because of their backfilling idea. Let people decide if they want the fight you threw them in.

Honestly the game would be better if it had lobbies. I mean pretty much all games are.
>Noobs only
>Pro players only
>No meta perks or kick
>Spooky server
>Practice match
>blight or bust
It would solve so many issues. Hell they could even keep the killer secret just show like his hours and rank.

have to fix how a killer is an asshole for getting a kill, but a dumbass loser if they let anyone survive.

dbd never recovered after the animation/ui update

basement now has two entrances, a second ramp on the other side of the basement for a satisfying symmetrical layout.

camping hooks now results in the hook teleporting the survivor away like how pyramid head's boxes move away if he sits near them too long.

killers are docked bloodpoints if they camp somebody and the person being camped in a larger radius then if the hook would move the survivor away takes much longer to die meaning virtually everyone else is guaranteed to get out alive if you camp it.

That new bucking perk buff or whatever is reduced to 18% from 25% if fall from a drop height.

Dead hard now treats hits when dead harding as "non fatal hits", and continue to play hurt sounds. instead, the survivor is given open wounds that need mending (like the legion ability hits.) without losing a health state.

Finally we add chucky so I can stab some shins.

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Dead Head/Decisive Strike are disabled at gates

These are so awful you probably work for BVHR.

killers should have to sit on an electrified buttplug that survivors can activate using special power boxes throughout the map