Raw pacing from last night

How the fuck do people watch this?

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Based Vince got trannies hate watching his show in order to do dumb shit like this. Thanks for the ratings troon. : )

Not enough cock chopping for ya tranny?

Do you enjoy watching 20 minutes worth of ads for a 3 minute match?

They're propped up by boomers putting it on and falling asleep instantly. I know more than a few older people who do this every week


Pretty sad that people are this obsessed with a show they don’t watch or like

Ok but imagine having paid to be there live

No wrestling?

I caught bits and pieces of RAW. I honestly don’t know how any human being could stomach that shit. There’s no wrestling. Liv and Rhea both shouldn’t even be on TV. They’re ugly shitters. The Rangers vs. Hurricanes game was more entertaining, and it was a blowout.

I don't watch WWE or GayEW

Not enough trannies on the show for ya?

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I thought people said that dynamite is too fast and gives the whiplash but this show has something different going on minute to minute. I’ve watched a couple of smackdown episodes recently but not raw and at least smackdown is well paced. Wtf is going on at raw?

It’s well established that WWE is for legitimately autistic people.

I’d rather have 20 more Draft Kings logos on the mat than this.

I watch the hour and a half version on Hulu.

It's shit, it's fun to point out that it's shit. Not sure what's obsessive about that. The redditor who put this together obviously likes WWE but dislikes the direction the format has taken.


>it’s fun to point out that it’s shit
that’s pretty sad, I just focus on things that I enjoy

Only WWE I watch is NXT 2.0

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Then why are you even here?

I like to discuss pro wrestling that I enjoy

Good that means you aren’t an edrone