What happened to this midg...

What happened to this midg? A year ago AEWtists were saying he was one of the most over guys on the roster but I haven’t seen him mentioned in months

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They've gone through like 8 Flavor of the Months since he was one

he just does run ins on women's matches now

Yeah,and they are all vanilla


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There's something really bizarre about Khan's booking choice. He's put the AEW roster of the COVID period on the shelf in favour of the remnants of the NXT roster that the previous AEW roster destroyed in the Wednesday ratings.

And they wonder why ratings are down trending towards 850,000....That's why Tony got so mad when that guy brought up Bischoffs stamen about punk. He knows it's true.

He always gets matches

More than that. More like flavor of the week. Not sure who were on now after wheelies utah was exposed as another shitter

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Its almost like he would've preferred to have those NXT people from the beginning and since he couldn't, he had to make do with what he had.

I don’t watch youtube shows

kyle beating darby really spelled this out. seems like a mistake to me but we'll see where it goes.

he literally had a match on Dynamite a week or two ago when they were in L.I. ya spergs

TK threw the entire Dark Order in the woodchipper as soon as their role in Hangman's story was done. If it wasn't for that he would've done it even earlier when Brodie kicked the bucket. Hell, did Anna Jay even come out with any of them at the PPV?

No, and she even came out with her original gimmick and outfit. No Dark Order gear.

Booker of the Year

At least we got that meme picture of him drunkenly cornering her. You know the one.

Who did?

>Anna leaving
>Angels wanted to leave since day 1
>Colt on his way out of the company thanks to Punk
>10 will probably get a singles push and then leave for WWE when Cody puts in a word for him
>Silver and Reynolds can easily become an unrelated tag team
>Stu literally already fucking gone
Unobros, not like this...

Last three dynamites have been above 900k statsbro.