Why are aewtists like this

why are aewtists like this

Attached: ojama.png (609x123, 21.23K)

Based OGODma working you into a seething screencap


Why Ojama asking for his med?

take them, OP

he think he's on Any Forums

Ojamatweet is a fake account made by bitchtits

Why are you obssessed with this random dude from twitter? How did he upset you so much you've spent half a decade seething about him?

Makes sense

>How did he upset you so much you've spent half a decade seething about him?
why are you obsessed with that guy that is obsessed with ojama

It's not

How do you figure that?


Why are ya exposing the fucking business ya obese smelly Smark

The only guy who is a bigger faggot than the original Ojama is you OP, the faggot spamming this weird worked shoot twitter faggotry.

>talks like he's on Any Forums
you're the faggot letting it happen

That is the original ojama

>Ojama is a based Kirby chad
Maybe the schizo that keeps saying "sup Ojama" is right, I do wanna be just like Ojama

I dont care. Ojama and OP are turbo faggots and part of the reason this website sucks now.

why are you obsessed with that guy that is obsessed with the guy obsessed with ojama
and cocks up your ass

GODGODGOD working the seething Smarks AGAIN