Alright user. Headlock, shoulder tackle, drop-down, leapfrog, hip-toss, cover

>alright user. Headlock, shoulder tackle, drop-down, leapfrog, hip-toss, cover

Attached: leftfootfirst.png (1400x1400, 1.07M)

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Doesn’t work for me brother. How about I hit you with the big boot, leg drop, pin


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take a bump

Attached: bump.png (480x360, 166.88K)

>listen here Mr Ass, I can't leapfrog worth a goddamn so instead of tryin' not to knock the other guy's friggin' head off, how'sabout I just do a fuckin' passby

Attached: ScottSteiner-900x900.jpg (900x900, 95.47K)

Yes daddy ass

a guy with your genetic freakitude doesn't need to be doing this sequence dog
now stretch this sucka with the Steiner Recliner

Attached: canyoudigit.png (800x450, 337.45K)

Yea I'm not doing that, how about I do a Canadian Destroyer off the top rope onto the concrete

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>That better be during the break!

Wrestling is the least cool thing this planet has ever seen

This shit is just as phoney as top rope dives.

>drop-down into leapfrog
Explain the psychology behind this sequence

nah you are

I heard Excalibur refer to the drop down as "going for the trip"
does this nigga seriously think that's what the drop down is?
here's Al Snow talking about basic wrestling training

It's the "Nash" sequence which he gave Omos special training in

the drop down is an avoidance maneuver the psychology is that you're trying to avoid their offensive maneuver they may be looking to do to you. same with the leapfrog, it's just on the polar opposite. these are just two very simple "go by" moves that are used in training for conditioning and ring awareness.
using them in a match should always come from a place of trying to win the match. not from "i learned this sequence in training"

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No. Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Arm drag, Drop kick, Arm drag into the armbar.

>trying to avoid an offensive move
>drop down flat so the opponent can stomp / jump on you
I found it retarded when I used to watch wrestling as a kid, Excalibre trying to explain it as a tripping move is the closest anyone has come to making it sound plausible but it's still stupid. It just gets a pass because it's what the old timers learned.

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why would you want to trip someone in that way in a wrestling match that makes 10 times less sense than dropping down and forcing your opponent to do something else with his momentum, they can't stop because they are running into the ropes and are already taking the step forward.
and the drop down only occurs after being put down already. it's not offensive because you aren't in a position of offense on the ground after taking a bump, you're in avoidance mode.
so imagine you were just put down, and your opponent hits the ropes to do something again to you quickly. you'll often see them just flip over to their stomach and slide/roll toward them, before jumping up again after the person takes that bounding step over them.
this is all inside the psychology of using the ropes for offensive momentum. which was developed 100 years ago when most rings were 12 feet across

The drop down is a trip attempt you retard

You forgot the kip up-pause after the dropkick. ngmi