Which Sam Hyde gimmick would work best in wrestling?

Which Sam Hyde gimmick would work best in wrestling?

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Washed up comedian gimmick



also this

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the unapologetically antisemitic one
go back

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Ya finna cry Any Forumscel? :^(


I don’t think a chud gimmick would get over with a crowd comprised mostly of people who aren’t inbreds from the south.

No, YOU go back.


For me its Ghost of Keiv. He worked sitting politicians with that gimmick and it made mainstream news.

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Wouldn't work, sams humor is too high brow for most of the redditors who watch wrestling.

shooter is the main event
ted talk is the gimmick that got him over
boxer is overrated
duke was made for a single segment

Sam’s humor isn’t high brow at all. I swear, all of Hydetty’s queer fanbase are massive pseudo intellectuals.

Lmao have you ever heard his podcast? I listened to an episode and there was some retarded like 19 year old high as shit prattling on about how Sam taught him "not to care about debt" and to just get credit cards and max them out. He has people write Q&A emails to him and it comes off like cultists asking their guru for advice asking Sam to redpill them and steer their lives

Sounds like Jordan Peterson for fatherless Any Forumscels kek

>caring about either of these pedophiles

This one, obviously. Promo is so-so.


lmao fpbp. it’s like chuds don’t realize that this board is 80% scjerk and scjerk is heavily left leaning

The one where he grifts his angsty teen audience for half a decade.