Vince says he’s done with indie guys and wants to go back to hiring ex athletes

>Vince says he’s done with indie guys and wants to go back to hiring ex athletes
>two of his most trusted hands that can be thrown anywhere on the card are ex indie guys

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Traditionally the journeymen (territories or indies) were always trusted hands. But the stars were usually former athletes.

With known liars, always go on what they do, not what they say. They can say anything.

he forgot

You have the good workers prop up the roidtards. Rarely the good workers get a clue and start drawing megadimes by dropping the workrate meme and embracing the juice and promos (Austin, hogan) but usually they are just brought in to do simple moves that look awesome because the guy is so huge/strong and cut good promos like Goldberg, Lesnar, Rocky

Basically no high workrate guy has been a draw since Flair, and that was during the days when a back suplex was a high spot. They’re used to make the shit workers look good

Almost like Vince is a fucking moron who molested his underage cousin.

they're from a previous generation of indie shitters. vince liked bryan too

they're the exception to the rule
You can tell he clearly likes those two, plus AJ Styles and Finn Balor, and liked Daniel Bryan, Samoa Joe, and Cesaro but never saw any of them as "The Man". They're filling the role that William Regal or Finlay would have had 15 years ago.

Nakamura, Asuka, Nikki Ash, Doudrop, and Drew Gulak are willing to play the clown like R-Truth
Gunter, Theory and Riddle do what he says abt style and look
Keith Lee, Ali and Lio Rush were difficult and refused to listen
Bobby Roode has always been a solid hand who does what he says

Meanwhile he could not give any less of a shit about Alistair Black, Andrade, Adam Cole, Swerve Strickland, Ember Moon, the Iconics, the War Raiders, Sarah Logan, Pac or any of the cruiserweights

Joe should have taken the title off Brock during their one PPV match, the crowd was hot for him

lol fuck no

What did the War Raiders do? They're still employed albeit mainly on NXT now.

Sup Ojama stop projecting your insecurities onto Vince you fat faggot spic

>Vince is a retard
consider me shocked

Only retard is you Jason you fat faggot spic tranny lover

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Because indieshitters are all mark midgets who can't work now. Enough shitty habits are accepted as normal there that you're better off training people from scratch. Training to do sports entertainment instead of pro wrestling is beside the point. Vince is right in doing this, at least.

A lot of indy dudes can get themselves over but can’t get other people over and that’s what Vince really values because he operates on “chosen one” philosophy where he picks a guy he thinks could be a star and then puts them with other people to help them get over.
KO and Sami are basically used as modern day Mick Foleys where they’re gonna make whoever they work with look good and might eventually win the big one as a thank you.

this. it's also interesting that people like sami and ko never come up in the whole 'who's unhappy in wwe and totally gonna leave' rumors. they clearly get the wrestling industry more than their peers

They adapted to the WWE system, Vince successfully de-indiefied them.

Vince has not been right in over 20 years.

See Ojama you fat Vince Derangement Syndrome suffering faggot spic

the fuck is an Ojama?