Dan Lambert needs to stop

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They hate Dan Lambert because he speaks only based.

If he didn't feign misogynism, he'd be cheered as a face, because everything else he says is fair and accurate criticism.

we already had this thread today user

go back. reddit screenshots should be an immediate ban.

What happens when you show that same bitch the match where he bumps and gets hit with toasters and shit? Is she like, "Good, I hope that hurt. I hate that guy." or is bitch like "Ugh, I hate this guy. Turn it off"? If the former, Dan the Man is doing his freaking job. If the latter, then heat doesn't exist anymore and anyone getting a chorus of boos is really getting a pop from a crowd playing along with the show.

Holy worked

i fuckin hate whites

DAE think the heel manager I’m not supposed to like should stop cutting promos that make me not like him so I don’t get the satisfaction of eventually seeing him get his comeuppance

They have such stupid fucking names. Guaranteed this guy doesn't remotely have a wife kek.

>Being a heel is fine
>Unless they actually make me upset
I hate America.

If you were a woman I would rape you for posting reddit

>redditfags saying they want Callis over Lambert
>ignorant to the fact Callis is the type of person they hate Dan Lambert for portraying

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>"Even as a bad guy he doesn't need to be a bad guy."
Imagine being THIS MUCH of a pussy what the fuck.

Still not watching AEW but I might watch a supercut of all Dan Lambased segments. Him managing and coaching Colby for so long all makes sense now.

NOOOOOO you cant just call someone a whore when theyre being a dirty hooooooor

>blatant misogyny
>makes me feel gross
Some faggot is wearing a cuck cage for fucking sure.
I don't remember these faggots coming out about Lambert when he was doing the same schtick over at Impact, what, like five or six years ago.
Just another poorly disguised, bitch-tittied console-drama queer.
t. Impact Ride or Die 4 Life

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go the fuck back and stay there nigger

Misogyny is a fair and accurate criticism.

Bixgod will expose him in time my friend.

weird way to spell "jews" but ok

that's because none of these people watched impact

based digits of truth

ugh i just...how can a bad guy be saying mean things? UGH