Dominic is so fucked if they break him and his dad up

Dominic is so fucked if they break him and his dad up

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They should do it while Rey Mysterio can still go and have a match with him to put him over, the guy isn't getting any younger

Don't care, I don't watch E shit

No one cares that you're trans

just send Dominic to NXT & get a rivalry going with Bron 2nd gen WCW feud would be kino

Rey is always really adamant about how he doesn't want to do a split and feud with Dominik

Not watching bad wrestling makes me trans? I mean, I am, but why make that assumption?

Why doesn't Dominik bulk up and earn a mask from his father?
How hard is that to do!!!!??????

>they split
>no drama at all, but Rey wants to see once and for all to see if his son has what it takes
>one-on-one with the old man
That's as far as it should go.

Put the kid over and send him back to NXT

He just aint got it yet. Maybe put a mask on too, he looks like he's 12

>earn a mask from his father
That would be cheating.

im the poster and this e drone false flagged, kek what a subhuman

Weren't they already doing this but it got dropped out of nowhere?



is rey that much of a draw that vince has to bring down show quality for dom? he didnt do anything with him all year til mania.

Take my money now

Dominik should go to Mexico and learn some skill. He's just a guy cosplaying as a wrestler

That would be too simple. It might even make the crowd root for Dominik to be a successful singles wrestler because it's a real struggle for him to step out of his father's shadow.

No, instead Dominik needs to attack his dad and then tell the fans that he blames them for his own actions.

a good guy beating up his good guy dad isn't going to get over brother and that's the bottom line jack

They should have broken them up after the Rumble when they kept dropping hints that Dominik was secretly evil. Now he's just a jobber geek. WM could've had the first ever father vs son first cum match.