Will they add a way to unlock Mewtwo/Lugia/Ho-Oh in Stadium 2 without Transfer Pack?

Will they add a way to unlock Mewtwo/Lugia/Ho-Oh in Stadium 2 without Transfer Pack?

Did any of the NSO ports ever add anything that wasn't in the actual game?

Attached: Mewtwo has many questions.gif (382x287, 1.99M)


Purease understand.

Why should they, the oinkers will buy it anyway.

why's that mewtwo black

>Goldeneye literally being launched with online play
>A bunch of the NES and SNES games have modified versions that are basically official romhacks

>Will they add a way to unlock Mewtwo/Lugia/Ho-Oh in Stadium 2 without Transfer Pack

I think one of the Super Mario World ports added the GBA worlds but I may be wrong.

It's his shiny version here. The colors weren't set in stone back then.

Attached: JARQs.jpg (640x384, 60.88K)

>gets the veins popping out on forhead out of effort
>eyes glowing blue for a second
>puts all his strenght into it
Peak sovl

Attached: 439.gif (500x336, 1.82M)

Holy fuck

They usually make “special” versions of games that come with custom save files. They might do one for Stadium that has everything unlocked.

the wii-u VC release of SMA4: SMB3 included all the e-reader exclusive levels
Including the several only released in Japan, fully translated!

It ruled

Yeah I think the Wii U VC version comes with all the ereader card levels

Thats what I was looking for , thanks.

Thats actually a good point.


I loved Mewtwo's Body Slam animation in Stadium, good shit.

>you just had to wait 12 years and pay a second time for the game you already once bought in order to finally get the full ungimped experience
And the corporate scum is still bewildered of why emulatuon and piracy refuses to die off…

Modern Pokemon is so shit, we didn't know how good we had it. I wish we could go back with all of the species we have now.

no i will not fucking understand

because its fucking content you can't access thats fucking why

It committed 52% of all Pokecrimes.