In terms of career advancement, is going on fin a good investment?

In terms of career advancement, is going on fin a good investment?

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It's not gonna regrow your bald spots lmao

how much for Musk tier implants?

Hell no, Finasteride fucks you hard.

right is an older picture btw

was for me, wish I started taking it earlier.

Yes becoming a tranny has many benefits over being a white man.

Your dick is not going to work on fin but you can just use your asshole on onlyfans

Nah, some people respond really well to fin

Embrace the baldness, get Any Forums
this is my advice for you, peace out

Tbh balding sucks but better than turning into a cuck

gelatin/collegen, nac, saw palmetto, scalp massage 40 min cumulative, topically castor oil and rosemary oil. derma needle last resort

Who the fuck has time for a daily 40 min scalp massage

i did a hair transplant (in UK) 1 month ago AMA

>im 29
>norwood 2/2a
>been on fin 3 years (very minimal sides) but still slowly was getting worse so decides on a £6k 1.6k grafts to bring my hairline back
and no i dont suit bald so dont even (you)

my hair is recovering with microneedling+massage. I tried topical liposomal dutasteride for a year prior. but stopped cause fuck the chemical jew. I wanted to take the bald pill but then found a lot of anecdotal evidences about massage working. I added microneedling to stimulate new hair growth and I guess massage helps with maintaining. im even getting new hair in front on my hairline like. I wouldn't even imagine this was possible but it is. I think scull expansion theory is valid to I think it has to do with it. you have to massage pretty hard but you can do it while watching a youtube video or show on T.V so. its pretty nice. I'm seeing double size diameter hair pop up everywhere and i had this miniaturized patch that recently started to grow longer which i didn't expect to happen. im 5 months into massage+microneedling. I have new hairs like at places where my old hairline used to be, its only a few here and there but wow.

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you don't need to do 40 min, I do 10min a day. also you can do it watching T.V. do you sit infront of the computer or T.V less than an hour a day?

>surgery: completely fine, very painless except first local anesthesia
>next week or so: fine, abit of swelling, have to sleep on back which was annoying for me (chad sidesleeper)
>scabs fall off after 2 weeks
>now i just wait 3-4 months for it to grow back, yes thats annoying but i dont mind waiting a quarter of a year to feel better for next 10+ years

Don't go on fin, just get a hair translant. Also don't listen to all these coping hairlets. You will look better with hair than without hair 100% of the time.

problem with just getting a hair transplant without fin is you'll lose your other hair at same rate. fin typically gives you alot more time

>In terms of Career Advancement
Ehh, going to the gym would be better. You can just shave your head and and muscle up and still have a positive body image for promotion.

I took Fin for the past year and just stopped taking it recently. It worked to halt any hair loss, but my libido dropped off. Not being able to get horny is fucking weird and not worth it.

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Honestly at 30 I stopped giving a fuck. grey hairs, thinning hair, I just don’t care anymore. They never wanted to fuck me and they will fuck me if I make it one day so why bother?

Just take viagra and exercise, you fucking faggot. Problem solved.

>achieves freedom from carnal desires

im 31. I don't care as much either anymore but I have a date in 2 weeks so. in a different country. mfw. I did send her pictures of me bald and she said I'm handsome with or without hair so I guess I got a keeper if it works out