Scammed out of 1 ETH

Vitalik fake blue check on twitter, whoopsie daisy lol live and learn :( im a bit retarded - still have 10 left but still sucks

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did you really fall for a twitter scam in 2022 OP? what are you, 65?

Saw that scam, check the @username before believing anything and even then its most likely fake.

They are using twitter lists/ads to appear as legit with the Verification checkmark

Kek did you seriously fall for the double your crypto pajeet scam?

Jesus Christ I would've taken this to the grave

>this retard has more money then me
audible sigh

this is dangerous levels of retarded, you will lose all your eth sooner than later. You should stay out of crypto

>retards have a lot of money
who the hell do you think bought the top

you did the needful


>watches niggerball
>gets scammed
Yep it checks out

yea yea yea, no excuse literally one of my dumbest moments haha

thank you for feeding my village sir

his username was like @os92k3h1nbi

what are you doing here? seriously. how does anyone get scammed these days. fucking retards. i bet you answer indian phone calls and respond to amazon text msgs too

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Don't worry someone this retarded will lose the remaining 10 in no time

That's ok, I had that problem too, you need to contact "crypto support" on google docs and type your seed phrase in there to get your money back

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>fell for a twitter scam
What race are you?