How does one fake a degree?

I lied on my resume about having a degree, and jobs that pay $100-175k all started calling me nonstop, I got hired for one job then they did a check and didn't find my degree and questioned me on it. I ghosted them out of fear of confrontation.

I pass all the programming tests in these interviews and answer every question correctly. If I don't lie about a degree, I only get job offers that pay around $45-50k due to my "lack of experience" Please friends, if I can find out how to lie about degree I will triple my pay.

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Lol. Lmao, even

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dunno, ask an indian

Bullshit. I have a STEM master's degree and can't get interviews. All that matters is experience, which I don't have.

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Good luck based liar

I have over 30 websites finished user. I forgot to mention I do have experience but got trapped at low wage jobs for not having degree.

>"What is your university?"
>"Here is their number" (it's your friends number, no HR roastie will confirm)
>"Hello this is the registrar's office of X University... Mr. user? Yes we can look him up please hold."
>make roastie squirm for 25 minutes
>"Yes Mr. user graduated in 2020. Have a good day."
There is no law against this.

You can't. they can always straight up call or email the university of your degree, universities usually keep the records of all graduates in a vault for at very least 20 years after graduation and in many places double that. You should look into online degrees from unis.

The US is so fucking weird, why wouldn't they just ask to see a copy of your diploma at the very least? What they just blindly believe people?

>I asked for a name, not a phone number
What now?

they do ask that if its a real job and not a codemonkey job

You would have to have picked the school your friend is pretending to be from. I don't know what would be a reasonable school for OP to impersonate. But they will request the number. Just fake that. It's insane that an HR roastie will more likely take a fake number because they can't do 3 minutes of research with a prospective hire and look up the number.

You can buy a degree online for $700.

Look up fake university degrees. It is really simple to find one. Especially nice to find a college that went under and is no longer around. Getting a degree from there would be really nice.

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darkweb right?
no way its right in the open in the clear web.

Uni's are now offering a BA in computer science. If you really are as good as you say, you'll pass it easy as hell since it's just technical courses without the math courses.

Buy one

>they actually checked
Pretty far out man, next time list a previous job in that salary range and get your friend to pretend to be your former boss.


what kind of websites

You mean for like 50 years?

>they will request the number
Yeah, Google isn’t a thing.