Itt: bagholds you're proud of

#1: Litecoin

Attached: Litecoin-news.png (1024x1024, 334.75K)

>stage 5: acceptance

Attached: d1da3e364444683013c6a7ac67d67063.png (1000x1000, 33.21K)


Attached: 16247427498729.png (600x600, 62.13K)

Checked me
Checked you

Lunc right now. Sold off a lot of ERC20 to get about 7 million and it’s up while all your shit is down ahahahahahaha

Only two more bull run...

Attached: VeChain-Price-Prediction.jpg (900x500, 71.89K)

>everything else dumping
>litecoin pump-- oh wait
>litecoin also dumping
This just tells me there's way more pain to come before we hit the current bottom.

>verification not required

Attached: 891.png (1056x937, 122.27K)

Actually, economy is heading for a recession and according to Michael Burry and others another 50% crash is likely.

Attached: XRP.webm (854x480, 3M)

Attached: nanocoffee.jpg (1024x698, 108.1K)



I used to trade this at $1

Im very thankful for Litecoin and Algo. Patience is key here anons. Next pump wont come for a year or two.

any research tips for the next bullrun? I look at utility, team, partnerships, supply, roadmap, events, social interactions
I am missing something or I am overdoing it?



im proud FRIN bagholder (formely BOND)

Attached: bonded1.jpg (626x386, 23.46K)

Chink scam

>controlled my adhd and kept bags there for about two months now
>new feeless ecosystem with bridges to everything
i feel good about it

Attached: 14774.png (200x200, 1.63K)